First time hatching eggs

From the day she stopped laying makes it day 10 now, I should really be able to see something in the eggs now shouldn't I? I can see a dark shadow but I think that may be the yolk, i can't see any veins.

Do you think I should wait until day 14 or get rid of the Ines she has now and let her lay new ones?
See, Hens will lay a clutch and then start setting.....That is why you can collect eggs and then set them all on the same day.....I hope I make sense?.....I am

It's the light on my iPhone the torch I have doesn't give me as good a view. I will wait a few more days.

I feel so bad for her she seems to be so dedicated and for her to have nothing at the end lol
I will thank you. I have only been keeping chickens and ducks since last summer and it's so fascinating. I love them so much x
I will thank you. I have only been keeping chickens and ducks since last summer and it's so fascinating. I love them so much x

Just had a few thoughts. When I first started incubating I would candle the eggs and often thought some (Sometimes depending on the shell color) were not developing. Thankfully since I was learning I didn't discard the eggs and some I thought weren't good hatched, so unless an egg is obviously bad smells or has a discharge I wouldn't discard it. You might have some developing among those who aren't.
Next question, how big is your bantam? I was wondering if ten eggs were too many for her to cover and some on the edges weren't warm enough. My bantams are very small. I decided to let some hatch chicks themselves this spring (I used the incubator before) and we were joking about how many eggs each could cover if I wanted to stick some large fowl eggs in. I'm guessing 4 LF eggs, my husband thought two or three so maybe 10 was too much in this cold weather.
First time hatchings are always a learning experience. Good luck. I've also read but haven't experienced it that fertility is lower in the winter so that could be a factor.
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Yes, very stressful time......I was not trying to be mean at all.....I feel your worry.....I was just in that on Monday......I giggled about the iphone light.....You will want a flashlight......Mine was my best friend.....

I wish you total success with this......

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