First time OB Mama attacked her chick

Use Blue Kote on her neck wound. I had a similar think happen to my rescued Cornish cross. The leghorns pecked her real bad. I isolated her in a dog crate in my house and cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide and blue Kote. I also applied neosporin as the blue Kote hardened and lifted up from her neck revealing pink healthy skin. I hope this helps you help your chick.
I am happy to say, that we have identified a name for this little guy as, "curious george". I have been putting neosporn on the affected area. He is eating and drinking well. Brough Mama in to see him each day and sibling so they don't forget him. Hoping to reintroduce him once better. Praying that isn't a pipe dream.

Noticed today at his femur he has a quarter size bruising. how would you treat that? I read soaking leg in epsonsalts, but it is winter her in MI and I have him under a heat lamp in my house at least for the first few days. I did give him a cottonball bath and used the blow dryer to keep him from getting drafty. Any suggestions? Thanks so much for you help.

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