Flock/Life Journey's 2019

Good evening/morning y'all:frow we're getting a cool front today. 55 tonight and 78 tomorrow!:celebrate:wee:lovegoodbye 90 degree days...hello cool nights and camp fires :clap

Look who woke me up this morning because i had the windows all open :lau:gig

Well...this happened today:eek: I walked out the door and discovered one lone little newly hatched chick. It's not one of Goldies because all 3 of her chicks are with her and it clearly had just hatched. There must be a secret nest nearby that i missed. Anyway none of the hens are interested in caring for it and it now thinks I'm it's momma:gigif i put it down out freaks out so i brought in a tote and set up a heating pad brooder cave and its my new little buddy...calling it Fievel. Sweet and adorable..I'm hooked already :love

That is one adorable chick!!!

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