Flood Chickens


12 Years
Jan 2, 2008
West Central Illinois
I got a call from an acquaintance this morning. They are now displaced due to the flooding that is occurring since 2 levees broke early this morning. She has 40 chickens that she needs to find homes for. They are moved but are not in a secure coop. Rather than loose them to predators and expend the energy to worry about them at this stressful time she is rehoming them. I told her I could take up to 10 hens but I really didn't need any roosters. So sometime tomorrow we will be taking these girls in. She even asked what breeds we wanted. I told her not to worry about breeds. I feel terrible gaining chickens in this way. She won't take any money for them. I am going to offer free eggs whenever they need them. I am also going to tell her that she can come get them back whenever they have a safe place for them.
I wish I was closer to help. I hope you can take all 40 until she can get back on her feet and then she could have them back again.
Poor animals. I saw a news report today that showed three pigs standing on the roof of a barn with the water almost up to their feet. Tragedy.
How far from Muscatine, Iowa is she? I could maybe help if we could find a bridge open to cross the river. Our town flooded but we are high and dry outside of town. I feel awful for all the people losing their homes, animals, ect. to the floods.

I would give them back to her after the floods if she wanted them back. If not they would have a great home with us.
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We are 2 hours from Muscatine. A bit far for chickens with the gas prices. I will be able to talk to her tonight at the ballgame to see how many she still needs homes for. I don't have room for all 40 unless we build another pen. That can't happen since we are still up to our elbows in flood work here. There are a lot of us chicken people here so I am sure they will all find homes.
That's good news that you can find them homes. It takes my father 2 hours for a 25 min. drive to work in Muscatine with all the road closures so 2 hours away would be way to far away for me to drive right now. I sure do hope you find them homes and don't suffer too much damages from the flood. Please stay safe!

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