Foods You HATED As A Kid, But Like Now

Turnips and spare ribs....what was I thinking? Love it now!
The only two things, I can recall, as a kid, was onions, chopped large, and cream, floating on top of my milk....Talk about a gag reflex....I cook with onions, everyday, but chop them small.....Cream, well, the FDA has taken care of that.
Cheese is the only thing i can think of, i did not like it or anything that taisted like it, but after i got prego with my first child i loved it every sence go figure
I hated walnuts baked into things. I still avoid them but they really aren't that bad. Not that good either. Then there is squash, egg plant, hot peppers, most cheeses, most fish, beer, wine and I'm embarrassed to say, most things "farm fresh" were suspected to be gross. Now, those things are at the top of my list

How about in reverse? Foods you detest now that you liked as a kid? American cheese, Miracle Whip, Captain Crunch, Soda, Twinkies, Wonderbread, Cola, margarine, I'm sure there are more.

I'm starting to understand why my son has food issues, he is like I was.
avocados, artichokes (those things smell awful when they're cooking!), and in n out burgers. I remember throwing tantrums and flat out refusing to eat when my family would go get in n out. i'm not sure why i hated it so much, i always loved burgers. and its not like we went all that often, maybe once or twice a year. Now, I won't go out of my way for them, but I enjoy them now and then if I'm out and about near one and get hungry.

but i always loved spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and asparagus. my sister and i were pretty good about our veggies (she didn't eat brussel sprouts, though). My brother was a terror- broccoli was his favorite, and sometimes he'd eat green beans, but never anything else.

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