~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

“What are you doing?” Amer asked. She appeared on the food bag, casually kicking her legs.
Sary straightened out of her fugitive slump instantly. "Oh, I was just gonna scope out the premises for suitable bedding," she explained, yawning at exactly the right moment. "Turns out I'm tired after all."
Sary straightened out of her fugitive slump instantly. "Oh, I was just gonna scope out the premises for suitable bedding," she explained, yawning at exactly the right moment. "Turns out I'm tired after all."
"Ah," Amer said. "Well, I already claimed this square footage. But you can sleep on those feed bags if you want," she said, pointing to some other feed bags. "They're surprisingly comfortable."
"Hey, Bri, you wanna have a... SWORD FIGHT?!" Roo asked, brandishing a sword that had miraculously been tucked inside her sweatshirt pocket. "I suppose it's actually a sword versus mop fight, but oh well." Then she charged, not waiting for Bri to answer.
Bri laughed manically and did some brandishing of her own--only she brandished a mop. It was quite an unusual mop, and she had full confidence that it could win in a fight against a sword. That was why she had brought only this as a weapon to take the ship.
Shiloh hissed at Chonk and batted his head.
Chonk rolled over on top of him and stretched out his stubby legs to bat at Shiloh in return.
Bri laughed manically and did some brandishing of her own--only she brandished a mop. It was quite an unusual mop, and she had full confidence that it could win in a fight against a sword. That was why she had brought only this as a weapon to take the ship.
Roo thrusted her sword at Bri's arm, but moved carefully. She saw the way Bri held that mop. She was truly a master of mopmanship.
“Yep” Lucy whispered back fighting back laughter, she had to say they are a funny bunch but she liked them a lot
Shiloh applied liner to his eyes.
Then he lined his ears. And blackened his pink and black nose.
Gail nodded a 'sup' nod to the two of them, then checked her smartwatch. "Oh dear. Seems I have forgotten a prior engagement. I have to go train some fish and build a robot to take over the world and create social justice. Ciao!" She beckoned to Parzival and dissapeared in a poof of smoke, leaving behind one of her infinite credit cards and a calling card, just in case they needed a deaux ex machina, and the patter of footsteps by the door. Parzival rubbed his face on Fluffs, acquiring a prodigious amount of eyeliner in the fashion of James Buchanan "Diva" Barnes, snatched and ate a few.more kidneys, and dematerialized in a pattern of blue lines with a musical whooshing sound.
fluff gave them all a hearty smile and took another sip of capri sun

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