Foot Injury

The face looks like a raccoon or ferret, but minks are similar in the face. The long dark tail is interesting.

It was a big fat raccoon, havent found any trails yet and it was hard to get a good picture but he was up there the whole time I worked on the coop door. Sure hope he dont show back up while we are at work.
Glad that you identified the predator. You can get a raccoon trap at your feed store or hardware store. When I had a problem with them, I had to secure a tuna can to the bottom of the right spot with wire or a shoelace, or they would reach through the cage and grab the bait. They also will turn the trap over and spill the bait. We used both tuna and cut up snickers bars with success.
It was a big fat raccoon, havent found any trails yet and it was hard to get a good picture but he was up there the whole time I worked on the coop door. Sure hope he dont show back up while we are at work.
Oh, I just could not tell LOL
I would set a trap for him and get rid of him. You mention you had traps?
Glad that you identified the predator. You can get a raccoon trap at your feed store or hardware store. When I had a problem with them, I had to secure a tuna can to the bottom of the right spot with wire or a shoelace, or they would reach through the cage and grab the bait. They also will turn the trap over and spill the bait. We used both tuna and cut up snickers bars with success.

Do you have any images of how you secured the bait? I have some ideas based off of what you said but Im not sure if itll work. half afraid he will be able to just tip the trap and get the bait out?

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