Fowl pox now swollen foamy eye


6 Years
Jun 20, 2013
My flock of 22 contracted fowl pox somehow. Still don't know. We lost one rooster to it. Everyone is on the mend, it's almost gone. But now one of our younger chickens has a swollen eye lid with foam in corner. She also has green snot. A bit raspy in breathing dept. guessing she has MG. With all that is going on do I need to start over? If everyone becomes healthy again can I still eat the eggs. I have no plans on selling any birds or chicks from this flock. I'm also worried about it passing to my peacocks who are next door. Help!
Fowl pox is a virus carried by mosquitoes. It is also contagious and other birds can pick it up from the dander, etc. of an infected bird. A bird is immune for life after being infected once.

It may be that your sick bird has developed wet pox, which is when fowl pox gets in the mouth and throat. If so, you will need to clean the discharge from the mouth so she can breathe, so her airway doesn't become blocked. Antibiotics will not treat it since it is a virus, but they may help prevent secondary bacterial infection. I wuld treat the eye by gently cleaning with saline (you can Google how to make your own, or purchase some where human eye care products are sold) and applying either ophthalmic antibiotic ointment or plain brand name Neosporin ointment. Make sure she is getting enough to eat and drink, especially drink.
Thanks Flockwatcher:) I never thought of the wet pox, but that's probably right. This hasn't been fun and I was worried about having to deal with something else!
I have vitamins/electrolytes and antibiotics in their water. First time I've used antibiotics since they got sick about 5 weeks ago. It is such a slow moving virus. We haven't had many eggs, but we haven't been eating them anyway.
I'll be glad when all of this is over!

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