Free Egg Incubation Software, New Release.

Well I succeeded in building HatchKeeper for MacOS. Luckily it required almost no changes to the code:) I built it on High Sierra so I'm not sure how it'll run on an older Mac, maybe someone would be willing to test it?

I checked most of the features and everything seemed to work fine, but this is still considered Experimental.

One thing that won't work yet is the pop-up reminders, there is, however an easy work-around: After adding a batch, select it in the list, click export ICal, select a folder. This will export a BatchNameHere.ics file. Use Finder to double click this file, and import it into the calendar. You can add custom notification to the events, plus also it should sync to your other Apple devices.

Here is a screenshot:View attachment 1393724

If you want to try it download the .dmg file here: (Experimental)/HatchKeeper_Mac_v.0.70.1.dmg/download

To install this file, just double click it in Finder, after it mounts and opens, drag HatchKeeper to the Applications shortcut beside it.

Let me know if you have any questions. And most of all let me know if it works/doesn't work.:thumbsup


@Claires Poultry
My suggestions may be well beyond the purpose and scope of HatchKeeper. If so, take them with a grain of salt.
It may be that these things need to go into a completely different ap.
I currently use a notebook and an excel spreadsheet for the purpose.
I only raise one breed which is extremely rare, read that as having a small gene pool. Barring several trips to Spain, I have to work with what I have.
There are breed characteristics that are difficult to retain and improve but I'm dedicated to the process.
I weigh and rate egg color of every egg I set, track the parentage of that egg, That way I can compare fertility, lay rate, eggs size, egg color and vigor of the breeders and compare to all the progeny.
I don't really keep track of humidity like most people do. I use egg weights at candling to track proper humidity.
Perhaps a place for egg weight at a minimum may be helpful.
My suggestions may be well beyond the purpose and scope of HatchKeeper. If so, take them with a grain of salt.
It may be that these things need to go into a completely different ap.
I currently use a notebook and an excel spreadsheet for the purpose.
I only raise one breed which is extremely rare, read that as having a small gene pool. Barring several trips to Spain, I have to work with what I have.
There are breed characteristics that are difficult to retain and improve but I'm dedicated to the process.
I weigh and rate egg color of every egg I set, track the parentage of that egg, That way I can compare fertility, lay rate, eggs size, egg color and vigor of the breeders and compare to all the progeny.
I don't really keep track of humidity like most people do. I use egg weights at candling to track proper humidity.
Perhaps a place for egg weight at a minimum may be helpful.
I too would love more details...per egg.
To be able to keep track of each egg separately in each hatch batch.
@ChickenCanoe and @Texas Kiki

I'm willing to give it a whirl. However since I don't use that method I'll need your help figuring out exactly what needs to happen and where(in the app) to add it for best usability. I'm thinking adding another panel between the Batch Statistics and Groups might give us enough room for individual egg management.


@ChickenCanoe and @Texas Kiki

I'm willing to give it a whirl. However since I don't use that method I'll need your help figuring out exactly what needs to happen and where(in the app) to add it for best usability. I'm thinking adding another panel between the Batch Statistics and Groups might give us enough room for individual egg management.


I don't know the correct terms.

See here where the manage dates button is?

Could you add a button there that when you click on it it has a sheet open up with places to add more info?

Last edited:
I don't know the correct terms.

See here where the manager dates button is?
View attachment 1884852

Could you add a button there that when you click on it it has a sheet open up with places to add more info?

View attachment 1884860

I'm constantly improving my apps. For the next release I already have all 4 of the buttons between Update and Close combined in to one dropdown so it'll be easy to add that button.

However I'll be adding this feature to the desktop version first. It's easier to translate from desktop to mobile than it is vice versa.

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