Free Egg Incubation Software, New Release.

Thank you very much. Apparently a batch got created without dates. I've never seen that before, however to delete that batch: All the way to the left of the table you sent a picture of, there is row numbers for every entry, right-click on 6 and delete it. Then click Write Changes At the top to save the database.

If you could then re-add this batch and try to reproduce this problem that would be great.

I'll definitely keep my eyes open for this bug, and I'll see about adding failsafe functions to the next release.

Thanks for your help.

Well it happened again. Another batch created without dates. I followed the above instructions and fixed the issue
And I figured out how to recreate the issue.

What I did was create a batch and forget to choose a start date from the drop down menu before saving the batch. Which creates a batch record with null dates and crashes the program until you debug it and remove the data line from the database.
And I figured out how to recreate the issue.

What I did was create a batch and forget to choose a start date from the drop down menu before saving the batch. Which creates a batch record with null dates and crashes the program until you debug it and remove the data line from the database.
That's correct. I do have it fixed in the next release. I added a check to prevent you from adding a batch without a date, and I added a check to prevent the app from crashing with a NULL date. Thanks for your help getting this fixed. :thumbsup
Hello everybody.

I've finally got around to releasing a release candidate for desktop version 0.80. There are many changes since the last release, so the purpose of this is so you can help us with bug testing to work out as many bugs as possible before the main 0.80.0 release. Probably the part that needs to be tested the most is the advanced egg system, but the rest of the system should be pushed to the limits as well.

While there's a lot of changes in the user interface, there's way more changes in the code. We switched from a "spaghetti" function style programming and separated code into objects. The result is a much, much cleaner code that's extensively documented with Doxygen markup. Hopefully a lot more understandable even for non-developers. You can generate the documentation from the source code or I've packaged it as a dev-docs archive.

You can download this release here

Let us know how you like the changes, and of course any bug you might find.

Thanks for your help!

Hello everybody, it's almost spring time, although currently it certainly doesn't feel like it yet.

I finally got around to releasing the desktop version of HatchKeeper 0.80.0. I'm only about a year late ;) We've got a lot of positive feedback as well as some great ideas and necessary bug reports. Thanks so much to everybody that helped with ideas and testing.

There have been a lot of changes such as the addition of advanced egg data, since the previous release. However a lot of the work has been in getting the codebase easier to understand and maintain, as well as making it easier for people to contribute to the project. We now have git repositories and you can easily generate developer documentation from the source code with doxygen.

We also spent time on user documentation. If there is anybody interested in improving or adding to the documentation, let us know, we could push the doxygen source files to a git server, where they could be forked, modified, and merged back in.

To try the latest release visit the homepage to download.

And like always. Let us know if you find bugs or have other problems.

Thanks again

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Good morning everyone.

I haven't had time to hang out here for quite some time. I've simply not had time to work HatchKeeper much either. But I've very, very slowly worked on another update over the last couple of years.

Here's some things I've been working on the mobile version:

The libhatchkeeper api got ported from the desktop and replaced the spaghetti Javascript code I previously had been using. This was a HUGE job since most of the code got replaced or rewritten to use the api. This will make it much easier for future development though.

A new user interface: a major complaint with the app has been the user interface. I based the original HatchKeeper-Mobile interface on the desktop version. It seems people coming from the desktop had very little trouble. But some people going directly to the mobile version struggle to use the app. So we have a completely new interface that's way more "modern" and mobile. Or at least I hope...

We also started making the HatchKeeper multilingual thanks to Marc036 who offered to do the dutch translation. Not everything is translated as of now but it would be complete enough to comfortably use if dutch was your main/only language. On this note. If you or anybody you know would be interested in maintaining a translation for HatchKeeper, please contact me.

There's a lot of other small stuff such as breeds having their own incubation days now, independent of it's type. The app shows day # alongside progress %. And much more.

The purpose of this post is to get feedback on the new user interface. Thankfully checking it out is very simple since I also added support for Hatchkeeper-Mobile to run in most modern web browsers using the exact same codebase as the Android app. Please try the demo on our website and let me know what you think.


Good morning everyone.

I haven't had time to hang out here for quite some time. I've simply not had time to work HatchKeeper much either. But I've very, very slowly worked on another update over the last couple of years.

Here's some things I've been working on the mobile version:

The libhatchkeeper api got ported from the desktop and replaced the spaghetti Javascript code I previously had been using. This was a HUGE job since most of the code got replaced or rewritten to use the api. This will make it much easier for future development though.

A new user interface: a major complaint with the app has been the user interface. I based the original HatchKeeper-Mobile interface on the desktop version. It seems people coming from the desktop had very little trouble. But some people going directly to the mobile version struggle to use the app. So we have a completely new interface that's way more "modern" and mobile. Or at least I hope...

We also started making the HatchKeeper multilingual thanks to Marc036 who offered to do the dutch translation. Not everything is translated as of now but it would be complete enough to comfortably use if dutch was your main/only language. On this note. If you or anybody you know would be interested in maintaining a translation for HatchKeeper, please contact me.

There's a lot of other small stuff such as breeds having their own incubation days now, independent of it's type. The app shows day # alongside progress %. And much more.

The purpose of this post is to get feedback on the new user interface. Thankfully checking it out is very simple since I also added support for Hatchkeeper-Mobile to run in most modern web browsers using the exact same codebase as the Android app. Please try the demo on our website and let me know what you think.


Thank you so much for the update! I look forward to playing around with it.

(Edited to note that I am in fact a dummy who never looked at the "advanced" tab once in the three years I've been using this app! Nevermind! I found it! Please ignore the following 🤣🤣🤣)

I was wondering if there is anywhere in the settings for me to customize my counters? I'd love to add one that in addition to the number of total fertile eggs, the number that actually make it to lockdown. I've been using the notes, but it would be easier for data tracking if that were a automated option.
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Thank you so much for the update! I look forward to playing around with it.

(Edited to note that I am in fact a dummy who never looked at the "advanced" tab once in the three years I've been using this app! Nevermind! I found it! Please ignore the following 🤣🤣🤣)

I was wondering if there is anywhere in the settings for me to customize my counters? I'd love to add one that in addition to the number of total fertile eggs, the number that actually make it to lockdown. I've been using the notes, but it would be easier for data tracking if that were a automated option.
View attachment 3352785
You are definitely not the first one to request that feature. I'll keep it in mind for future updates. If I add lockdown eggs, I should add pipped as well.

That said, till that happens, have you tried the Advanced feature? You can edit data for each egg. It's not viable for large batches but it's great for couple eggs. Visit the help page on our website for information on using Advanced.
You are definitely not the first one to request that feature. I'll keep it in mind for future updates. If I add lockdown eggs, I should add pipped as well.

That said, till that happens, have you tried the Advanced feature? You can edit data for each egg. It's not viable for large batches but it's great for couple eggs. Visit the help page on our website for information on using Advanced.
I've tried it, but it doesn't let me classify eggs as anything other than a "fertile quitter" and "damaged", even though I have added the options of "fertile", "infertile", and "ok" - I can choose the options, but they always revert after I save changes.
I've tried it, but it doesn't let me classify eggs as anything other than a "fertile quitter" and "damaged", even though I have added the options of "fertile", "infertile", and "ok" - I can choose the options, but they always revert after I save changes.
That's weird, what your trying to do is how it's supposed to work. Could you share your tag strings from the settings. Also do other changes such as comments, fertile, pipped, hatched/quit, etc save?

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