Friday the 13th Hatch a Long

Candled again yesterday, and 8 of the eggs have veins, one I'm not sure about but it's darker than the clear ones.
There was one that was quite active, as I could see the embryo pulsing and moving around - so cool!

There's a few more I'll wait to remove, but yesterday, I was able to replace some of the clear eggs with freshly laid eggs that are more likely to be fertilized.
I also checked some of the eggs that were more recent in the fridge, and many of them had bull's eyes.
The one "good thing" about many of the first batch of eggs being infertile is that I won't need as long of a waiting period for the eggs to be "pure".

It'll be "warm" today at 34*, but I won't be home during the time they're laying. Hopefully there's be a few more from today that I can set.
Only have a few days left, then I can't add any more, so the incubator will by empty by 3/14 for the Easter HAL.
Is anyone else setting eggs today?

setting 7 French Black & Blue Copper Marans from Canadain Stock
(they are completely un-related to the Bev Davis / Wade Jeane lines we are used to in the US.
I set 46 eggs on 2/13 too! They are easter egger and easter egger x barred rock crosses. I collected half of the eggs during the week of the 13th when it was in the low 20's and 10's for temperature and the rest had been in the refrigerator for about a week. I was really nervous because of how cold it was that they wouldn't be viable, but so far only 4 eggs were infertile and not developing! I had a hard time candling the olive eggs but all the blue eggs and all but 3 of the brown eggs are developing just fine! Take that cold weather!
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Late to the party!
I have 2 broody silkies i am using to hatch! I was given 12 fertile eggs from a friend (2 marans, the rest I'm not sure). My mama silkie has 8 under her and her 7 month old gal has 4 under her!
So far it looks like all are developing. Some at different stages!
I'm so excited! This is our first hatch and I'm hoping that the mama's get 2-3 chicks each!
I have always wanted to try a hatch under a broody. But have never figured out how to do it.

I need to candle again but I am scared to do it. With such dark brown eggs I have to pretty much wait till day 7 to see whats going on.

I'm debating getting a larger incubator. I have a little Brinsea Mini Advance but I'm thinking to get and Advance 20 or 40 depending on what I can find/afford. With Marans the humidity pump it a big help.
I have always wanted to try a hatch under a broody. But have never figured out how to do it.

First, you've got to wait until a hen decides she's going to go broody. Can't force a hen to, though keeping many eggs (real or fake) in the nesting box does seem to help them along.
Though having a breed that often goes broody helps, I've even had non-broody breeds such as a buff Leghorn, two Red Stars, Rhode Island Whites etc go broody and raise one or more batches of chicks. Since I wrote the article on broody hens, I've had lots of broodies & have loved every minute of it. By far, they are the best, except you're limited how many eggs you can hatch under them.
The last two years I've incubated eggs in the incubator and under a broody hen at the same time. Most of the time the hens have "adopted" the incubator chicks and have been one big, happy family! I still have to supply additional heat, as the hen can't keep 20-40 chicks warm at the same time. But, I think it's a good trade-off for what the hen teaches her brood.
One time I even ordered chicks from a hatchery & "Alix", as Black Sex Link hen accepted them; but I made the mistake that she was still sitting on eggs due to hatch within the next day or two. So, she ended up trampling most of the chicks that were just hatching.
Last year another hen, "Olive" hatched out chicks in the nesting box, then I moved her into a separate coop with her mother "Lydia" (Partridge Chantecler - she's a "super broody") + lots of incubator chicks. They seemed to be ok, so I added some Cornish Rock chicks from TSC. "Lydia" wouldn't allow "Olive" to move about freely, so I partially separated them, giving Olive all the Cornish meaties. She fully accepted them, but became so protective of them, that she ended up killing any of the chicks that Lydia was caring for, if they came too close. I eventually fully separated them, and when they later on introduced their chicks to the rest of the flock, they did ok as long as they stayed away from each other. As the chicks got older though, the mothers became less protective and allowed their broods to co-mingle during the day.
"Olive" went broody a 2nd time this past fall, but after the chicks hatch, I let "Daisy" (EE) raise them, as she's a much better mom. But I know that she has to be separated from any other broody hen, whereas I've had "Lydia" and "Daisy" happily "share" chicks, but that's pretty rare.

For this Friday the 13th Hatch a Long, I don't have any broody hens, but I'd rather they save their energy for when I have a larger hatch, say the Easter Hatch a Long.
"Lydia" and "Confetti" (a bantam Cochin) have both tried going broody during the early part of winter, but I persuaded them to wait until warmer weather.

I love watching a hen and her chicks - it's so sweet, especially when they are under her feathers & poke out their head! And when they climb all over her like she's a play gym. And when she "talks" to them because she's found them a tasty morsel, to "come here", to "run for cover", and a sweet contented "chirping" when they're all snuggled underneath her feathers.

I hope you're able to sometime experience the wonder of having a broody hen. It definitely changed my perspective on raising chicks.
I forgot to give you an update on my "Friday the 13th Hatch a Long".
Monday morning (2/23), I candled again & removed all 39 clear / infertile eggs out of the original 48 eggs I'd set.
The good news is the 9 embroys are developing quite nicely.
So, while I'm not thrilled that all those eggs were infertile, I'm glad that at least there are few developing.

When I cracked open the clear eggs, every single one was infertile, as there was no "bull's eye", only a small white dot.

I refilled the incubator with fresh eggs, so I can see if the roosters are doing a better job now that the ratio is more balanced out.
Time will tell, and by the time those eggs get taken out of the incubator into the hatcher, it'll be time for the Easter Hatch-a-Long!

Only 5 more days left until Lockdown and 8 days before we're hopefully seeing some chicks!

Got to finish that Cooler Bator that'll I'll be using for a hatcher either today or tomorrow!
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maybe you need to play your Roosters some inspirational music? to get them in the mood
maybe you need to play your Roosters some inspirational music? to get them in the mood
Ha Ha! I've thought of playing music out there, but not for that purpose!
I think the low fertility was the combination of extremely cold temperatures and not enough roosters were with the hens.
I have plenty of roosters, but they were all in the "bachelor pad" together for the winter, except for one rooster per day that got the privilege to be with the 40 hens & pullets.
On 2/5, I separated them into two groups, but it was still like 1:20, rather than the 1:10 ration.
It wasn't until 2/12 that I finished the fourth coop, so I could separate them into four groups.
Now the different groups have 1(R): 6(H), 2:8, 2:9, 2:17 (last one has some younger pullets, hence why more hens).
Today's we're having a "heat wave" of temps in the low 20's, and I saw lots of "dancing"
going out in the chicken yard!
And of course, one of the extra roosters that isn't will the hens is acting very eager, trying to strut his stuff with the other roosters & the ducks!
I guess he doesn't know the difference.
we are so close to lockdown, should we all candle today? Even with my dark brown Marans eggs at this point I should be able to tell who is developing and who is not. I'm kinda scared to do it, until I know I can dream of all 7 hatching.
I candled my narri eggs this mornings. All 10 still going good and excellent movement. Even though my hatch will be a week later than yours. I'll just have wish you all good luck on your impending lockdown and hatch.

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