Yes he has red coming in on his wings and the crazy head feathers. His personality seems pretty laid back so far. The 2 big red ranger/Dorking boys are more mature and already tidbitting the girls. The Turken boy is subordinate but none of them have reached that jerk stage.

I'm glad that this olive egger boy will be gone on Friday. I was out by the coop and seen one of the Barnevelder pullet's flare her neck feather's up at him today when I was out there cleaning out the weed's by the run so I can have a better view. I want to be able to see from the sliding glass door if something come's trying to look for chicken dinner. They can't hide!

My next door neighbor that's been getting chicken's from me has already started to build her second coop. She's loving the egg's from the Naked Neck's. I have to get the rest of these weed's gone from out there yet to start building my second coop.
@igorsMistress I decided not to get those Blue NN hen's, as I wouldn't know anything about the back breeding. I'm going to get some B/B/S NN hatching egg's instead from over in Florida. If they hatch good, I'll be able to have a blue roo again like I have been wanting!
That's awesome, I hope you have a good hatch! When will they get here?
I just finished preparing my envelope to mail. I have to buy and send a money order. I'm getting 2 dozen. She said that her 8 hen's are laying egg's like crazy right now.
Tell her to only write FRAGILE and THIS END UP with an arrow pointing to the top and not say there are eggs inside. I read that somewhere.
I'm beginning to see the little boys chase each other quite a bit now. One of the fully feathered boys crowed when I could see him yesterday, sounded like a kazoo

The Turken mix boy I'd like to keep was chased by Jr the other day, poor little guy. I left them to it but happened to get between them in my travels. Jr skidded to a stop in front of me and looked terribly unrepentant but stalked out to the compost pile anyway.

The Dorking mix pullet...I don't know what to do with her. I'm probably going to keep her for eggs if nothing else. She's a pretty bird and not really all that big. I heard a bunch of racket and looked out the window. She was hustling across the yard toward the coop. I dunno if she laid one of the eggs we got today or not. I haven't seen Jr attempt to mate with her but that doesn't mean anything.

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