Aww they are so cute in a ugly way 😭❤️ I wish you luck with your new flock ❤️ It’s hard loosing chickens but it’s part of the parcel we have to deal with 😭❤️ I’ll be so happy the day I can say I have had the chickens for 8-10 years knowing they made it to a natural end ❤️
Thanks so much!

Turkens seem to be an acquired taste lol.
I got these super thin grow lights on Amazon. They are light weight enough that they can be attached with command strips or wire but they put out a lot of light!
It is hot and gross outside already but I got a few chores done earlier. The bedding in the coop needed some water and a stir, rinsed out the pool so we can use it later and cleaned up the yard and patio a little bit. The chickens were having fun in the water I put around the base of a shrub I have to remove due to storm damage. I think I’m going to replace one shrub with a few succulents and there is new growth at the base of the second one already so I’ll let that grow up. There seems to be better air flow now though too so I suppose it’s a good thing they were damaged. The big yellow bell out here needs a good trim again, will do that in the morning so I can use the trimmings in a new compost pile. All the trimmings from the damaged shrubs are drying out next to the wall for now, green wood, so the chickens can munch the leaves if they want. Hubs worked on the stump out front until the battery for the chainsaw died, but I’m hoping that’s completely out this weekend. Elvis is learning to be a good rooster. He calls the girls over for the bugs I toss for him and the little black pullet is finally starting to calm down a little bit. She’s a feral little thing, but I’m super happy to see her starting to integrate a bit with the flock

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