Thanks, I think it’s cute and I’d leave it out all year. Hubs said there’s others available, a skeleton or something

Sounds like a possible Halloween theme
smiley halloween 6.gif
I have English ivy and begonia maculata cuttings and bamboo coming to grow in water on that plant stand. I’m really looking forward to the begonia.
I've got polkadot begonias and while I haven't killed them they aren't doing as well as my daughters. They are cuttings from her plants. I don't know what I'm doing wrong yet.
I've got polkadot begonias and while I haven't killed them they aren't doing as well as my daughters. They are cuttings from her plants. I don't know what I'm doing wrong yet.
Some people are just gifted.
I love plants, but I know my limitations. My husband can put a stick In the ground and a tree will sprout. If I put a stick in the ground, it will just be dead wood from henceforth.

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