:yesss: Dragon fruit

Jasmine is blooming and smells amazing

White sage


One of the chaste trees. It seemed like it took forever for these to wake up but boy are they going crazy now! This will provide some excellent deep shade in summer within a year or two


I suppose with that hawk around , You have to not free range your chickens in backyard??
I gave that Hawk a ❤️.... But that is because all living things have a purpose on earth. Our purpose is to protect our flocks/herds the best we can.
No shortage of Hawks in my area. Few years ago, there was one nesting in a tree next to my yard. Red Tail Hawk.
Then there are the regular hawks that seem to have a certain route each day. They pass,,,,, stop for a while,,, and then go on.
Harris’s hawk. Not my photo, but this is a gorgeous bird! One of them is the flock stalker at present. It has become a daily thing to find it up in the palm tree calculating its chances to grab a meal from my yard. While Elvis stands there crowing.

These birds are often used in falconry and trained to remove pigeon populations around airports and such. When breeding there are often two males to one female, all tending the nest, and offspring may remain with their parents for up to three years. They hunt in packs which allows them to capture larger prey and groups usually range from 3 to 7 members.

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That's an impressive looking bird! Hope your flock can evade the one that's stalking them.


I suppose with that hawk around , You have to not free range your chickens in backyard??
I gave that Hawk a ❤️.... But that is because all living things have a purpose on earth. Our purpose is to protect our flocks/herds the best we can.
No shortage of Hawks in my area. Few years ago, there was one nesting in a tree next to my yard. Red Tail Hawk.
Then there are the regular hawks that seem to have a certain route each day. They pass,,,,, stop for a while,,, and then go on.
Cavey I would give it a ❤️ too so no worries! I haven’t locked up my crew as I don’t have a run. Instead I’ve provided as much cover as I can and tried to make it difficult for birds of prey to find it easy to hunt in my yard. Lots of trees, bushes and little structures to hide/block an aerial assault. No dead ends. The crew will learn to be watchful or they won’t. We have hawks fly over regularly and Elvis is usually good about warning everyone. The ladies are pretty savvy too.
That's an impressive looking bird! Hope your flock can evade the one that's stalking them.
Isn’t beautiful?! I know it would eat my chickens, but it’s a native and I live in its territory so can’t fault the bird.
Always nice to see what's going on with your yard IM!
Thanks, it’s a mess. I’ve had ZERO motivation to do anything lately. Not even clean house.
I'll be interested in hearing how the dragon fruit does for you. If I remember correctly, that's something new for you isn't it?
Yes they are new. I have seriously neglected them and they are doing great so far. I’ll have to look after them a bit more with the heat though.

They’re in a mix of coco coir and lava rock and I’m watering with hydroponic nutrients.
One of our resident Harris’s hawks sitting at the top of a tree across the street. Hubs zoomed in too much so if it’s crappy that’s why. It’s even fuzzy o my phone :barnie I tell him not to do that but he never listens. After 30+ years I’ve just shut up and say yeah it’s great

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