Bummer you didn't get the wonky egg layer. What's wrong with them?
That's a handsome boy 😍
He is growing pretty well too. I still haven't weighed him. Other than size, what should I be looking for? Full breast and wide carriage?

The eggs are thin shelled, lightly colored and rough with calcium deposits. She has been doing this for almost a month. Several broke last week and made a mess in the nest. One a day and that was the missing egg.

I need to thin the layers down a bit more, but DD#2 has been taming them. Doesn't make it easy when they are this sweet and docile. The 3 this morning were the red feathered wild women. There may be something to the color and personality thing. The rest are black and black & white (Dominique mothers).
He is growing pretty well too. I still haven't weighed him. Other than size, what should I be looking for? Full breast and wide carriage?

The eggs are thin shelled, lightly colored and rough with calcium deposits. She has been doing this for almost a month. Several broke last week and made a mess in the nest. One a day and that was the missing egg.

I need to thin the layers down a bit more, but DD#2 has been taming them. Doesn't make it easy when they are this sweet and docile. The 3 this morning were the red feathered wild women. There may be something to the color and personality thing. The rest are black and black & white (Dominique mothers).
In my experience the Nn boys will get their legs and height, then fill out as they mature. Are you breeding him for meat? If so then yes, a wide breast and overall size.

I know what you about sweet birds. It makes it so much more difficult to do the deed. I hope you can figure out which girl it is.
In my experience the Nn boys will get their legs and height, then fill out as they mature. Are you breeding him for meat? If so then yes, a wide breast and overall size.

I know what you about sweet birds. It makes it so much more difficult to do the deed. I hope you can figure out which girl it is.
Original plan was for meat. I'm scheming a way to start breeding. The Barnyard Surprise flock are tiny and with the production background, giving eggs almost daily. If they follow their older sister (also black), the eggs will grow enormous next year. Down to 20 total chickens. He has until first crow and I hope he waits. He doesn't have any competition.

The red girl was as large as the boy for the longest. He is out growing her now. The little white girl has always been smallest. She may be kept as a layer. Unfortunately, they keep me at arms distance. Will need DD#2 to tame this set. They are mingling with the layers, so integration is done. Still sleeping on the ground in the tractor.
Original plan was for meat. I'm scheming a way to start breeding. The Barnyard Surprise flock are tiny and with the production background, giving eggs almost daily. If they follow their older sister (also black), the eggs will grow enormous next year. Down to 20 total chickens. He has until first crow and I hope he waits. He doesn't have any competition.

The red girl was as large as the boy for the longest. He is out growing her now. The little white girl has always been smallest. She may be kept as a layer. Unfortunately, they keep me at arms distance. Will need DD#2 to tame this set. They are mingling with the layers, so integration is done. Still sleeping on the ground in the tractor.

I hope he holds off crowing until he gets some meat on his bones. As for being kept at arms distance, that's me with the whole flock pretty much. Which is fine by me, they don't get under foot when I go outside.

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