Checked the incubator this morning. I think the fan is blowing the mist from the humidikit onto the windows. At first I thought condensation but when I opened the bator it wasn't all that humid and the walls/lid weren't weeping. I heard a wee one chirp though. I've kept the temp right about 99.5, I'm using an analog thermometer not digital, so I don't expect to see babies until tomorrow.

We're expecting rain for three days, maybe four, so the upgraded feeders will get a test run. Hubs sealed the joints with silicone so hopefully the feed will stay dry. So far the pigeons haven't figured out a way to get into the feed, but the chickens spill it on the ground and leave it :he

Since it'll be wet outside this week I'm going to spend a few days purging junk and one day baking.
We're expecting rain for three days, maybe four, so the upgraded feeders will get a test run. Hubs sealed the joints with silicone so hopefully the feed will stay dry. So far the pigeons haven't figured out a way to get into the feed, but the chickens spill it on the ground and leave it :he
The 2 types of caulk I used, including silicone, got pecked off by the chickens. then the rain got into the feed. How did you convince the chickens not to eat the caulk? I am curious.

I put the feeder under the coop and it developed mice and squirrels. We don't like mice.
Checked the incubator this morning. I think the fan is blowing the mist from the humidikit onto the windows. At first I thought condensation but when I opened the bator it wasn't all that humid and the walls/lid weren't weeping. I heard a wee one chirp though. I've kept the temp right about 99.5, I'm using an analog thermometer not digital, so I don't expect to see babies until tomorrow.

We're expecting rain for three days, maybe four, so the upgraded feeders will get a test run. Hubs sealed the joints with silicone so hopefully the feed will stay dry. So far the pigeons haven't figured out a way to get into the feed, but the chickens spill it on the ground and leave it :he

Since it'll be wet outside this week I'm going to spend a few days purging junk and one day baking.

You're getting close now! A chirp is promising :D

I've been meaning to blame credit you with my recent de-junking bout around here. :lol:
There's a pip!

@BlueBaby I made brownies this afternoon, bread tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe, sounds delicious.

@RUNuts I just put the feeders out yesterday so we'll see. Hubs used his finger to smooth the silicone out and push it into the joints so that might help prevent picking. I'll let you know. Mice :sick We had a rat last year but poisoned it. I make sure to cap the feeders every night.

@N F C it's great to know you've been inspired, even if it's reluctantly :lol:
There's a pip!

@BlueBaby I made brownies this afternoon, bread tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe, sounds delicious.

@RUNuts I just put the feeders out yesterday so we'll see. Hubs used his finger to smooth the silicone out and push it into the joints so that might help prevent picking. I'll let you know. Mice :sick We had a rat last year but poisoned it. I make sure to cap the feeders every night.

@N F C it's great to know you've been inspired, even if it's reluctantly :lol:

"Reluctantly inspired" should be my motto. :gig
There's a pip!

@BlueBaby I made brownies this afternoon, bread tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe, sounds delicious.

@RUNuts I just put the feeders out yesterday so we'll see. Hubs used his finger to smooth the silicone out and push it into the joints so that might help prevent picking. I'll let you know. Mice :sick We had a rat last year but poisoned it. I make sure to cap the feeders every night.

@N F C it's great to know you've been inspired, even if it's reluctantly :lol:

Great! Did the pip peep, yet?

I turned all the 6 chick's that hatched the end of Dec. loose today out there in the big pen. I wired the door's of the grow-out cages open for now, in case they need a route to get away from the pecking order of the bigger one's, or a place to get out of the rain that we will be getting soon. I boiled and mashed up 9 egg's and fed them back to the flock, then I sent Gary over to his friend Tom's with 2 dozen egg's this evening. Yes, I still have more egg's in the fridge, plus 10 more egg's from yesterday and today sitting out in case someone need's them for hatching egg's.
We added this nest box over the weekend, it's attached to the outside of the mini coop. I found 3 eggs in it which surprises me. We're going to add the second one since the girls found it appealing.

One chick hatched first thing this morning, it's white. 2 more have pipped. Guess I'll be babysitting the incubator today.
We added this nest box over the weekend, it's attached to the outside of the mini coop. I found 3 eggs in it which surprises me. We're going to add the second one since the girls found it appealing.View attachment 2047829

One chick hatched first thing this morning, it's white. 2 more have pipped. Guess I'll be babysitting the incubator today.

Congrats on the new chick this morning IM :thumbsup Babysitting an incubator can't be the worst way to spend a day!

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