funeral procession crash video.

Yes, cremations are getting VERY two relatives works at Wilburt Vault company said, cremation is putting the "crimps" in their business. Casket are becoming more and more "personalized" too.
Yes, cremations are getting VERY two relatives works at Wilburt Vault company said, cremation is putting the "crimps" in their business. Casket are becoming more and more "personalized" too.

What gets me is both casket and vault companies sell themselves on "life time guarantees" in my area, which makes me not to buy them the person using them has already outlived it's guarantee... I know most families want an open casket, which in some instances they clean and enbomb the body prep it and put it in a "rental unit" then ship the departed out to the crematorium, I told my family I wish to be cremated esp. if showing me is not an option for some reason. edited to say I have no spouse or children, so no one to visit my grave after my mother (who is in bad health) and my brothers die. so why take up space?
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My FIL is a mortician. He usually calls the 911 dispatcher and lets them know ahead of time, so an officer can stop traffic at busy intersections. We live in a small town, but in larger cities, most funeral homes have their own procession control.
Cremation is probable less common around here now than most other places...

This was the local Crematorium...

I am sure many of you saw it on the national news..

In our area because we have a large international draw due to the university, and it's my understanding some religions prefer cremation esp. if the family can view it. and that caused a local mortuary when they built a new building a crematory with an observation window. yes you can literally watch someone "burn". Also it allows them to keep all the profits "in house" rather than pay an outside company to do it and fool with the billing both to the family and to the outside company. and handle the transportation. Plus if the body is somehow "unviewable I am sure the family could have the cremation done and take them home same day as the funeral service.
Around here it is lights on and little flags on the car.We are supposed to stop for them.

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