Funny fart stories: you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll gag!!

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Im not as bad as I used to be, being pregnant changed that. When you have to go, you have to go when your pregnant. But I did spend 6 hours once in an office to take pre employment urine test, thank heavens the lady was the gram of my sisters friend. My mom says Ive always been that way. My boyfriend will knock on the door because he thinks its funny that my body shuts it off immediately if I think he can hear.

They left me go home after I had my youngest and finally told me just to call if I hadnt gone by the next night.
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Im not as bad as I used to be, being pregnant changed that. When you have to go, you have to go when your pregnant. But I did spend 6 hours once in an office to take pre employment urine test, thank heavens the lady was the gram of my sisters friend. My mom says Ive always been that way. My boyfriend will knock on the door because he thinks its funny that my body shuts it off immediately if I think he can hear.

They left me go home after I had my youngest and finally told me just to call if I hadnt gone by the next night.

How funny........I have no problem going pee!!!! In fact, I could probably squat and pee in the floor at WalMart when it was packed!!! LOL It is just the other that literally shuts down!!!
I'm bookmarking this spot in the thread. I can only take so much laughing in one night. My wife is laying there wondering what is wrong with me.

"Better out than in I alway say."... sounds like something Winston Churchhill would say.

"Better to boof and bear the shame than not to boof and bear the pain" sounds like a Benny Hill saying.

I'm bookmarking this spot in the thread. I can only take so much laughing in one night. My wife is laying there wondering what is wrong with me.

"Better out than in I alway say."... sounds like something Winston Churchhill would say.

"Better to boof and bear the shame than not to boof and bear the pain" sounds like a Benny Hill saying.


My son usually says "What? Do you want me to explode?" and my little one will proudly announce " Mommy,(or daddy) i fahted!!!
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ok i cant think of one for myself (*knock on wood*) because i try my best not to fart in front of anyone, but my sister and mother (she did it to me for so many years now its payback)!

On thanksgiving my bfs family always meets up for a Thanksgiving family dinner. The last two years I have joined. family dinner meaning (brothers, sisters, moms, dads, grandmas, and grandpas. Well, all of us are sitting at the table quietly eating our dinner, when bfs grandpa lets one rip! I looked around the table and no one else acted like anything had happened and i KNOW they heard it! Later i said something to bf about it and he says grandpa always does grandma....and then grandpa lets one rip again! my house, this would have been a good laugh haha

Can't.... Stop... Laughing.........OH my....

Well here's my story...
Back in high school after track practice my best friend and I were leaving the locker room below the basketball gym. As we were about to leave the gym, I hear The drill team practicing thier moves and I suddenly have one of those suprise farts burst out and echo across the whole of the gym...
My friend and I then ran out of the gym and I was red as a beet and laughing my head off hoping that no one saw me.
everyones mentioning the spider farts....

wheres the

"walking duck farts!?" comon now! this IS a fowl group after all..or should I say foul


THis was too much fun.....
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