~>Fury of the Wind<~ [Chat Thread]

It would be nice. But it's definitely still a work in progress. I want to develop their culture more. For sure.
Well, you have a great plot so far, but I think a few more problems other than food storage and leader choices might help. Maybe some sort of divide between Hawaiian native chickens (red junglefowl/red junglefowl crosses/gamefowl) and production type chickens? Like, mixing of the two types is frowned upon and halfbreeds are discriminated against? It might make sense, seeing as games are usually a little more aggressive and better at surviving (which means a lot, since there's no humans to feed them now) than production types. Also, bantams could be singled out or generally thought as soft and weak.
Another thing you might want to try is for some type of religion, so maybe not all the chickens have the same beliefs, or only one group even has a religion.
Giving them more challenges in everyday life definitely spices things up; as foraging gets harder, they have to figure out ways to get more creative. Maybe someone suggests they loot the humans houses, or go closer to the volcano, but there's a disagreement on how dangerous that is. Or they have to figure out how to get food to camp, or whether to keep moving the flock to each new foraging ground. Stuff like that.
Make sure to highlight other problems that have always been there, but gets more attention because of the events happening. Maybe a group of hens and pullets wants to get a lead hen voted in because they're tired of only being able to be top broodies. Maybe a contestant doesn't partake in a ritual or an old rule that has been passed down for generations because it's kind of ridiculous, but it's always been there so now everyone is conflicted.
Also; more corrupt political figures. But not too many.

I hope this helps you a bit. :p Sorry it's so long.. I might've gotten carried away.
Well, here it is. Chickenly, and with so many metaphors everyone will be as confused as me. The problem is, it is also on an island. There's a lot more, I just haven't written it yet. Notice the tones of my attempt for bits of lightheartedness. It's not good.
Fallen Feathers
"The feathers that fall each encompass their own attraction, but as one falls to follow the other, they carry none of the unified strength of the whole bird."
Often, rps are written after the group is split into factions; in this, the chickens must decide for themselves if they can stand unified or fall divided.
I was going to write about snow chickens, but there was too much going on, and even though the theme may stand for several months to come, none would enjoy it. So here, we take ourselves to a more desirable climate. Welcome to Hawaii!
"Why, Feathers? What is happening? What was it like before? Where did it all go wrong?"
"Well, not long ago, our flock was led by a bird named Owl. He was wise, powerful, and merciful. Maybe not so enough to fall into legend, but he will, because we all now know the value a leader who can keep the peace really has. There was one before, Nene, and he was equally so. And many before that."
"Isn't Chameleon good enough? He's nice."
"Yes, he is. But he hasn't the power. Today, we don't just need a merciful one. Today we need someone else."
"What about Mongoose? Or Eagle?"
"Some think they are good enough. But they only carry the strength required. Maybe our flock is too needy. Maybe our expectations are too high. But we need a leader with wisdom. And that is something few have."
"Well, you're wise! Why can't they make you leader, Feathers?"
"I'm too old to take such a job. And they need me here, don't you think? I tell you our history. Pass on stories of the past. Then the others will know what kind of leader they need.
And what would you do if I wasn't here to keep you warm?"
"Oh. You're right. I love you, Feathers."
"I love you too. And the flock. I hope that some day, we can get along."

Lead Cock (or hen) : leader of the flock, absolute power. Gains his rank through the agreement of the flock. Of course, they may make an agreement out of fear. Normally male, but an ambitious hen may gain power. Often, his mate carries on his duties in his death and absence. Adressed as "Leader."
Lead Broody: gains rank when the latest dies. Always the oldest hen of the flock. Next oldest learns her stories from the current one. Full time job of caring for chicks while their mother is away. Also hatches her own. The Lead Broody is the storyteller of the flock, passing down lore and history to the newest generation. Her guidance is often asked for in leading the flock and choosing the new leader. Some are not as wise as others.
Broody: a hen who has chosen to hatch and raise chicks. Often they are hers, but not always. There is little dispute if you hatch someone else's eggs though. Other hens will contribute eggs to your nest you have chosen in a safe area if she decides to go broody. It is out of their free choice to hatch. Broodies will defend their chicks with their life, if need be.
Cock: Male over 8 moons old. Can take a hen as a mate if he wishes. Cocks watch out for predators and keep the flock safe, on command of the Lead Cock. Hens have more important things to do.
Hen: female who is laying eggs. Can take a cock as a mate, if she wishes. She spends some of her time eating and drinking, and some of it laying eggs. (And stuff like that.)
Cockerels and pullets: males and females over 2 moons old and under 8 moons old. Learn the duties of the flock during this time
Chick: chicks under 2 moons old. Taken care of by broodies.

Terms and Things
Log of Feathers: A pullet's first egg is laid in the Log of Feathers, where they lay their first egg and place one of their feathers inside the nest to line it, for future generations to see. The egg is then taken out for all to see, for it is a beautiful thing, the second she leaves the log, she becomes a hen. This is a significant part of the flock's "culture," which makes the flock hesitant to leave their territory to follow a new leader away. Also the place where the next leader is inaugurated.
Men: a word for humans. Some traces of their settlement on the small island are still visible, however, most was destroyed by a volcanoe that made the humans realise the island was unsafe to settle on. Sometimes they come, but it is rare. And they certainly aren't bringing more chickens with them.
The Broody Vow: the next lead broody must vow before the flock that will share wisdom, and put her flock before all else.
Becoming leader: The flock gathers around the Log of Feathers and calls for a new leader. Whomever has the largest number of voices and crows is the next leader, as the Lead Broody decides fairly. The newly elected leader jumps upon the log and crows, all of the cocks repeating it back, before he scratches a deep scratch into the log. This ceremony may turn awkward if a hen does this.
Roosting tree: an old, twisted Wiliwil tree holds great meaning to the flock. They all roost in the tree, leader highest of all, looking down on all, around. Pullets, cockerels, chicks, and broodies roost in their nests, and not in the tree. The Lead broody actually has her nest in the trunk, however.
Predators: far and few between. Men killed many of these before they left, and there was little to begin with. However, a predator attack may happen on a rare occasion, which is why roosters must look out.
Food: Hawaiian blueberry, nene berry, papaya, bugs, starfruit, small animals, nuts

History: "There were once Men on the island. Men can eat you or give you kindness and safety, and you can't tell by looking at them. Never trust a Man. In the time of Men we were kept inside their cages. Others were not, however, we wandered where Men walked.
But we were freed, by fire from the earth. The Men fled, and released us. Some of us, at least. The still caged birds died, punished by no fault of their own.
We escaped from the merciful, earthly fire, and grew into a flock on the island.
Men brought us here, but we have no plans to leave.
The flock came together, and one Cock guided the flock with wisdom, and that was all they needed to prosper. They made him their first leader, while one brave hen remembered all that had happened and took a vow to share all she had learned to future generations, so that they would not forget where they came from.
That's my job, of course. Telling you stories.
Owl lived for a long time, dying peacefully. Brave, peaceful, wise. We chose a new leader. I made a mistake. I wished for a another fair ruler, and tried to convince the flock to choose Chameleon, our son, by his wishes and perhaps my selfishness.
But he isn't brave. And he doesn't fight off the dissenters.
Mongoose offered us a new land with more food, but can we leave our Log of Feathers, our roots? Drought has parched our sources of food, and we may be forced to follow. However, Mongoose is a small threat to Chameleon, for his suggestions to move are not challenges. Yet.
Eagle is gaining power in force. Young birds are following him, and he is assembling a force to be reckoned with. It's not the question of if he will challenge Chameleon, but when he will swoop in. For now, he is peacefully living in the flock, but someday he will dissent.
Will someone new arise to save us all? Or must we chose a leader before us? Can we change them to what we want, or will we fall? "
My Rules:
Follow genetics because that is my pet peeve, and don't make any purebreds. These are wild chickens!
Also, no swearing; these are wild chickens!
Ok, so I need people to make these charries:
Chameleon: A young Leader. The young son of Owl and Feathers. 1-2 years old. A small, colorful rooster without any barring or extra patterns. Your interpretation of this would be delightful. He can have any extra fancy features that you like. He doesn't have a mate. Chameleon is scared of being wrong and does everything the flock demands of him. Rather quiet, and much to Feathers disgust, asks for her help in speaking to the flock. He has two much older siblings, however, they are pullets. Actually, Eagle could be his older brother if you want to add that extra drama, however, Feathers didn't trust him as leader either way.
Mongoose: Can literally be anyone, including a hen if you want. Mongoose is persuasive and pleases the flock. However, Mongoose constantly challenges Chameleon's ways. Wants to move to a new area where there is more water.
Eagle: Large, strong rooster. Great in fighting, 1-5 years old. Has many supporters that are in the flock. Focuses on strength and believes that with Chameleon in power, they will be weak.
That actually looks really good. When you open it I will join!
Well, you have a great plot so far, but I think a few more problems other than food storage and leader choices might help. Maybe some sort of divide between Hawaiian native chickens (red junglefowl/red junglefowl crosses/gamefowl) and production type chickens? Like, mixing of the two types is frowned upon and halfbreeds are discriminated against? It might make sense, seeing as games are usually a little more aggressive and better at surviving (which means a lot, since there's no humans to feed them now) than production types. Also, bantams could be singled out or generally thought as soft and weak.
Another thing you might want to try is for some type of religion, so maybe not all the chickens have the same beliefs, or only one group even has a religion.
Giving them more challenges in everyday life definitely spices things up; as foraging gets harder, they have to figure out ways to get more creative. Maybe someone suggests they loot the humans houses, or go closer to the volcano, but there's a disagreement on how dangerous that is. Or they have to figure out how to get food to camp, or whether to keep moving the flock to each new foraging ground. Stuff like that.
Make sure to highlight other problems that have always been there, but gets more attention because of the events happening. Maybe a group of hens and pullets wants to get a lead hen voted in because they're tired of only being able to be top broodies. Maybe a contestant doesn't partake in a ritual or an old rule that has been passed down for generations because it's kind of ridiculous, but it's always been there so now everyone is conflicted.
Also; more corrupt political figures. But not too many.

I hope this helps you a bit. :p Sorry it's so long.. I might've gotten carried away.
Oh yeah! The junglefowl idea won't work, because all chickens there are domestic, however, I could add more to Mongoose's description and explain the house looting more. I forgot to highlight the other problems, that will help it make more sense. And yes, the skipped ritual part makes sense. I want lots of "rites" which make the territory sort of sacred.
I need one that turns a cockerel to a cock, but what can they do?
That actually looks really good. When you open it I will join!
Great! (And now I feel like I'm stealing the attention from this rp.)
Does anyone want to play the father of Cricket, Frog, Twig, and Sprout? (Mate is Minnow)
sure. I'm not in other rps now anyways. Unless someone else makes a form first, since it may take me a while. I can always make Magnolia's parents instead, who appear to be blissfully unaware right now.
Name: Wheat
Age: 3
Gender: m
Personality: Always cares for his family, however, he puts a lot of responsibility on Cricket, being the oldest, that she isn't always fond of.
Description: American Crow of medium size with a thick, raven-like beak
Family (if significant):
Mate: Minnow
Chicks: Cricket, Frog, Twig, and Sprout.
History: Grew up on a farm. Little is known about his history before he became Minnow's mate.
Name: Wheat
Age: 3
Gender: m
Personality: Always cares for his family, however, he puts a lot of responsibility on Cricket, being the oldest, that she isn't always fond of.
Description: American Crow of medium size with a thick, raven-like beak
Family (if significant):
Mate: Minnow
Chicks: Cricket, Frog, Twig, and Sprout.
History: Grew up on a farm. Little is known about his history before he became Minnow's mate.
Accepted! Thanks for making him. :D

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