Fury of the Wind II (A Bird RP)


Advocate of Shiloh
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Nov 8, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
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A sequel to Fury of the Wind by @RoostersAreAwesome
Most of the writing is directly accredited to her, I just added a little.
https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/fury-of-the-wind-a-bird-rp.1283750/ Feel free to read the original, it is wacky, hilarious, and well-written, in my opinion.

A small, black-headed gull was relaying the events of the battle to his mother. The black-headed gull was a Bonaparte's gull named Ritz Crackers. His mother was named Gladys.
"Did you have fun fighting the pigeons?" Gladys asked.
"No," Ritz said.
"Well, did you win?"
"Yes. Fish Sticks negotiated peace with the new pigeon general, Cement, who is much better than One-Toe and Sulliver."
"Who was that Sulliver fellow again? I couldn't hear all those speeches too well from where I was standing."
"Sulliver was trying to take over as pigeon general, Mom. He was the one we were trying to stop. The whole reason we went to battle. Anyway, both One-Toe and Sulliver are dead now. Now we are allowed to fly through the city if we please, and the pigeons will stop their raids on the coast. Thanks to Fish Sticks. Actually, Fish Sticks didn't do much negotiating. It was that big not-gull who just abandoned us to our fates."
"Fish Sticks..." Gladys mused. "I worry about that boy. That boy ain't right. Not fit to be a leader, whether he came back from the dead or no. He's got two shore crabs where his brain ought to be."
"Well, he didn't exactly..." Ritz trailed off, not sure whether to expose his friend's secret.
The gulls accepted Fish Sticks as their leader because he apparently rose from the dead after a defeat by his challenger, Vaatras. They thought Fish Sticks had been dead because he fell off of a cliff onto some very sharp rocks. In reality, Fish Sticks didn't come back from the dead. He just had a very hard head. Ritz worried that if the gulls knew the truth, they would reject Fish Sticks for Vaatras. He could tell that many gulls were unhappy with Fish Sticks' leadership. Also, the gulls had accepted him mostly due to the adamant backing of a particularly nosy wandering albatross named Riski. Riski fed Fish Sticks lines for his speeches. On his own, Fish Sticks couldn't talk his way out of a paper bag, even though he talked a lot. Riski migrated south. He took all his bombast with him.
"Didn't what?"
"Never mind. The important thing is, we have peace with the pigeons now."
(I actually wrote this part)

A bloodied, one-toed pigeon, the one who was formally considered the most powerful bird in the city, limped down the city streets. She dragged her drooping wing beside her, unable to fly and barely able to walk. The pain was unbearable, but she kept moving, knowing there were enemies around every corner. Finally, she found an empty alley, just as it was getting dark. She hunkered down, shivering, between two towering garbage cans.

“Hello, General One-Toe.”

One-Toe jumped, skittering out of her hiding place, her head shooting around frantically. “Who are you?!” Where are you?!

“Don’t be afraid.”

The bird, who had been perched above One-Toe, landed softly on the ground. Her usually-sleek feathers were ruffled, but otherwise she was unmistakeable, the white tips of her wings shining in the city light.

“Lieutenant,” One-Toe cooed in recognition. However, she took another step back, unsure who to trust after what had happened. “Are you still loyal to me?”

“Of course.” The white-flighted pigeon answered smoothly. “And I want to help you.”

One-Toe should’ve been feeling the sparks of hope, but all that was left in her was despair. “There’s no helping me.” She said gruffly. “This whole cursed city is against me. Everyone, traitors. My reign is over.” Despite herself, her body drooped with her last words, the finality of it striking a blow to her heart.

“Not everyone has betrayed you.” The white-flighted pigeon said. “There are many who still believe in the one true General, but they cannot fight without their leader.”

One-Toe looked at her former lieutenant, the very one who had helped organize the coup against her, who she still thought of as a friend, unaware of her betrayal, and said; “I’m listening.”

“I want you to meet a friend of mine.” The white-flighted pigeon smiled in the dark. “She will help us take back what is rightfully your’s.”

A raven stepped out of the dark.

“Greetings, General.” The bird said, her shining black eyes fixed on the pathetic pigeon who had once been her sworn enemy.

“My name is Shadow.”

(credits to RoostersAreAwesome for the excerpt)

The four races of birds living in and around the city prospered for years because of an overabundance of food and fair weather. Then, there was a drought, and the birds fought until the pigeons drove most of them from the city. But there was not enough space for them to live outside the city. Ravens and crows began organizing to resist the pigeons. The pigeons were ruled by General One-Toe. A pigeon gang leader, Sulliver, and some of General One-Toe's lieutenants staged a coup against One-Toe, attempting to establish Sulliver as leader. Meanwhile, his sister, Cement, a gang leader, allied with the gulls to stop the coup. Sulliver defeated One-Toe, but Cement neutralized his allies with the help of the gulls and Russet, her mate, killed Sulliver. Cement became the new pigeon general with the support of the gulls, but the ravens and crows are still against the pigeon rule. And One-Toe is still alive. Also, the gulls are led by a very inept and stupid leader, Fish Sticks. He was elected in their time of conflict only two days before, but he has enemies. Vaatras, his enemy, defeated him in battle before Fish Sticks took his throne back. Before Fish Sticks, the gulls never had a leader. And they could easily return to that state.

The pigeons are a war-like race. They are often disorganized. The various gang leaders are distrustful of each other, but they are kept somewhat in check because of the peacemaking of Cement's gang and her various supporters. They tie sharp things to their feet for battle, since both their claws and beaks are too small to do any real damage. Their main advantage in a fight is strength in numbers. The pigeons live primarily in the city, where they are often seen in flocks foraging together or gathering on rooftops.

General: The top pigeon. Controls all the pigeon gangs, has a group of lieutenants that follow their orders and make sure the gang leaders stay in line.
Lieutenants: A group of pigeons that are loyal to the general and follow their orders-Cement doesn't have any lieutenants, but many were once loyal to One-Toe. Some were loyal to Sulliver and turned against One-Toe.
Gang leaders: Leaders of the various pigeon gangs under the general
Gang member: Pigeon in a gang
Non-member: Pigeons not attached to any gang
- pigeons eat seeds, fruit, food scraps left by humans, and sometimes insects
- they nest in rain gutters, abandoned buildings, and beneath eaves, overhangs, and bridges
- their predators include red-tailed hawks, cooper’s hawks, peregrine falcons, owls, and cats

Death-swords - bird control spikes
Pigeon-eaters - peregrine falcons, their main enemies, though can also be a general term for falcons and hawks
Night-stalkers - generally refers to cats, but can also refer to owls, raccoons, and other nocturnal predators
Loud-stompers - humans (only pigeons call them this)
Razor-talons - the sharp things pigeons collect to attach to their claws as weapons

The crows are very loyal to their family. The offspring of a pair are likely to stay with their parents and help raise their siblings for years. These birds will come together in huge flocks to swap experiences and news, though to other birds it just looks like a chaotic mess. The crows live in and around the city. They absolutely despise the ravens for unknown reasons, but have entered an uneasy truce with them in order to fend off the relentlessly aggressive pigeons.

Loners: Crows not in a family group
- crows eat small animals, insects, grain, fruits, carrion, human food scraps, berries, and seeds
- they make nests in trees, shrubs, on utility poles, sometimes on the ground or building ledges
- their predators include red-tailed hawks, owls, raccoons, and cats

Blast-sticks - guns
Roost-prods - bird control spikes

The ravens are more solitary than most of the other birds. Though they are known to, on occasion, group up in flocks if there are important matters to discuss. It usually takes several days of careful preparation, but once united, the ravens are a formidable force. They are very proud of their status as forest birds, and most know the layout of their home territory like the back of their wing. They are very stealthy, and may even teach another bird something if they have the patience and means to pay.
- ravens eat small animals, insects, grain, fruits, carrion, garbage, and seeds
- they build nests on cliff ledges, power line towers, telephone poles, in trees, and under bridges
- their predators include eagles, owls, hawks and occasionally foxes and cats

Blast-sticks - guns
The seagulls are quite the rambunctious group. They are usually disloyal, even to members of their own race, but won’t hesitate to band together in the face of danger or the pursuit of food. They are frequently seen trying to trade whatever odd things they’ve found with others. Seagulls, partly due to their larger size and partly due to their inflated egos- bolstered by living near the sea- regularly act fearless towards other creatures, even humans.

Seniors: Older, well respected seagulls. Other seagulls come to them for advice about nesting sites, pigeon raids, and where to get food. Some seniors require pay for their services, while some will give out information for free. They often lead attacks, and are no less fearsome than younger seagulls.
- seagulls eat fish, garbage, small animals, grains, carrion, insects, and mollusks
- they build nests on sea cliffs, islands on the coast, and roofs (they often nest together in colonies)
- their predators include large birds of prey (ex. eagles), sharks, foxes, and occasionally dogs
- seagulls can drink ocean water

Notguls - the word seagulls commonly use for any birds other than seagulls

The setting of this roleplay is a temperate zone by the ocean. The pigeons live mainly around the center of the city, the crows in the suburban areas surrounding the city, the ravens in the woodlands beyond, and the seagulls in the sea by the city.
Between the sea and the city, there is a large dump, where the pigeons, crows, and seagulls often look for food. The pigeons’ main base is in the center of the city atop a large, flat-roofed building.
Character Form
Family (if significant):

Character Page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/fury-of-the-wind-a-bird-rp-character-page.74593/
Some of the characters are dead or no longer in use but it is good to get you acquainted, I suppose.
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I'm going to rework Russet's form because it is inaccurate, even though it is futile to try to describe his personality.

Name: Russet
Age: 4 years
Gender: m
Personality: Rather friendly and outgoing. He was timid at a young age, but now will fight with admirable bravery, all in the name of Cement. Self-sacrificing and basically worships her. This might mislead you into thinking that he is humble, but he is very cocksure. He almost always has his crop puffed up. But now that he has had a healing crop injury he doesn't do it anymore. He is trying not to rip the stitches. He is a surprising judge of character for someone who appears to take nothing seriously. He hates anyone who could harm Cement. His personality is larger than life, just as he often tries to appear. So it's kinda hard to describe.
Description: Ash red bar pigeon. He is slightly larger than the average street pigeon. He is barrel-chested with a generally puffed crop and looser feathering with orange eyes. Probably has some baldhead roller in him. I describe him as orange but in reality, he is more of a russet color.

Rank/Status: gang member (Cement's gang)
Family (if significant): brother eaten by a night-stalker. Mother murdered by Sulliver's gang because of a discrepancy. Father's whereabouts unknown.
Mate: Cement
Chicks: none
History: Russet's family was in constant fear of the threat of Sulliver. Russet knew it wasn't safe. His father was already gone. His brother -of which he cared little for- was dead. When his mother was found dead, Russet was all alone. And he felt like a target.
He was reluctant to join a gang, but a clever young pigeon was assembling one. It wasn't about greed or anything. They felt safe with each other. They fought for each other. One day he shyly asked if she would be his mate. He expected her to turn him down. Amazingly, she said yes. That was the last time he was shy in his life. Now Russet is one of the "veterans" in the gang and fights with loyalty and bravery. Ever since he and Cement paired, they were the ultimate power couple. Russet is the social, outgoing one. She is the quiet, calculating one.
Anyway, Russet killed Sulliver. But Sulliver injured his crop and leg.
Other: Ginger
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(I love what you added!! It looks great! I’ll remake some character forms too, I’m also working on editing the character page.)

For anyone reading this, feel free to join! It doesn’t matter if you were part of the old roleplay or not, it would be awesome to have some new members!
(I love what you added!! It looks great! I’ll remake some character forms too, I’m also working on editing the character page.)

For anyone reading this, feel free to join! It doesn’t matter if you were part of the old roleplay or not, it would be awesome to have some new members!
Thanks! I didn’t want to do this but then I had a lot of free time in class, and I finally finished editing my friend’s story, so…
I like making rps, what can I say.
If anyone wants to play the leader of the raven “Resistance”, that would be awesome! You can change anything you want about the character, including the name (which is currently Shadow). What you need to know is that this character is not a good person, and will stop at nothing to achieve absolute power, which to them means getting rid of the pigeons and ruling over the city and the nearby forest. This character will do anything to attain this ambition, no matter what birds they have to kill and manipulate to get it. They also hate crows with a passion and are known to have held them hostage for ransom in the past (this also means the crows hate them).

Name: Cement
Age: 5 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Easygoing and generally accepting to all, regardless of their abilities as a fighter. Often takes time to just let her gang talk and fly. Has a reputation as being soft, but will, if needed, fight fiercely for her gang, who she considers her flock.
Cement is a quiet bird, but somehow that only enhances her commanding presence; she only speaks when she has something important to say, and those who hear her speak know that. She thinks a lot. She thinks much more than she talks. Under the surface, her mind is often in turmoil due to the hard decisions she has to make as gang leader, and now, as General. Her role is a stressful one, but she doesn’t show it; except to her devoted mate Russet, who is often the one bird who keeps her going.
Description: Dark gray with lighter patches (blue t-check) and missing half her middle toe on one foot.


(Drawings by @Amer )
Rank/Status: General/gang leader
Family (if significant): Suliver is her brother, though not many know
Mate: Russet
Chicks: none
History: Though she's friendly with her flockmates, she doesn't share her past with anybody that doesn’t already know it. Says she doesn't want to "trouble them with old problems".

However, her history is an interesting one.

Cement had a relatively normal chickhood, her brother Suliver ever by her side. When she was old enough, she, along with her brother, rushed to join the pigeon military, and became part of the unit (aka gang) led by a strategist named Wire. Things were going well, Cement survived battles against crows, ravens, and even gulls. She made good friends, and was generally respected, but felt no ambition for anything more.
One day, during what was thought to be an easy battle, disaster struck. The gang was ambushed by exotic birds called parrots, who were driven to violence after being forced out of their territory by the pigeon military. Cement was almost killed by one, but at the last second, a young pigeon she had befriended saved her life, and she only lost half a toe. However, Wire, her leader, died in the battle and they were forced to retreat.
Her brother, Suliver, became the new gang leader. But, with this new power, Cement started to see a change in her brother. What had previously been a sort of controlled coldness within him grew, until he was a harsh and ruthless leader, stopping at nothing to make sure his enemies— and anyone associated with them —were completely destroyed. One day, the same pigeon who had saved Cement’s life, Lightning, tried to prevent an enemy bird’s chicks from being killed. Suliver, enraged by this perceived betrayal, imprisoned Lightning and intended to make an example of her; but Cement helped her escape. After that, Cement could not return to Suliver’s gang, and went out on her own, disillusioned with gang life and the pigeon military. Some time later, after meeting other pigeons who had similarly deserted the military, Cement rejoined the pigeon military and took on a role of leadership in order to protect her friends, who were often the target of gang violence. That’s when she met Russet, whose story motivated her to do more for her flock and those she could help, and who she eventually fell in love with.
Other: this backstory may sound like I just came up with it, but it’s actually based on some short stories I wrote a while ago.
Username: RoostersAreAwesome

Name: Shard
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Strict and unfeeling. Has eyes that seem to bore right through you. Calculating and merciless in battle. Loyal to a fault to the pigeon military and the former General One-Toe. Suspicious of any birds that aren’t pigeons or are non-members. Brash and easily angered, and, if angered, will jump right into a battle even if her chances of winning are slim.
Description: Light brown and white pigeon (ash red t-check) with orange eyes
Rank/Status: former Lieutenant
Family (if significant): N/A
Mate: Dead
Chicks: None
History: Shard used to be a relatively easygoing gang leader, more interested in helping the other birds in her gang than fighting. But one day, as she was flying near the coast, she noticed a dead pigeon near the water. Coming closer, she realized that it was her beloved mate. She was absolutely devastated. As Shard examined him, she noticed wounds on his head. He'd been murdered.
Shard blamed the seagulls living nearby, but knew there was no way her small gang of untrained birds could possibly fight them. So, she fought and fought, becoming better and better at knowing just the right way to overwhelm her enemies. One-Toe eventually noticed and made her a lieutenant, and she launched a successful attack on the seagulls, leaving many dead.

Then, in one fight (which she started) with a seagull on the border, Shard’s entire life changed. Her wing was broken, and it didn’t heal right, leaving her flightless.

Now, with Lieutenants no longer needed and General One-Toe gone, Shard doesn’t know what to do. And, being grounded, her options are limited… who knows what the future holds for her?
Username: RoostersAreAwesome

Name: One-Toe
Age: 5 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Fierce, cold, and calculating. Ethics? Morals? Who has time for all that? Certainly not One-Toe! She didn’t bother thinking about the consequences of her choices as long as the pigeon military thrived. She was confident and full of herself and her power, which has now all but evaporated.
Description: Darker gray pigeon (blue t-check) with only one toe
Rank/Status: former General, now disgraced and alone… or is she?
Family (if significant): N/A
Mate: An unimportant lieutenant
Chicks: Open. General One-Toe doesn't have time to raise her chicks, so allows other pigeons to raise them (usually her mate).
History: No one knows. It is rumored that she lost her toes in a battle with a gull.
Other: One-Toe was almost assassinated by Suliver’s hawk, but managed to escape with a broken wing and injured leg. Now, she may have found new alliances, those of which may not have the best interests of the pigeon military in mind…
Username: RoostersAreAwesome
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If anyone wants to play the leader of the raven “Resistance”, that would be awesome! You can change anything you want about the character, including the name (which is currently Shadow). What you need to know is that this character is not a good person, and will stop at nothing to achieve absolute power, which to them means getting rid of the pigeons and ruling over the city and the nearby forest. This character will do anything to attain this ambition, no matter what birds they have to kill and manipulate to get it. They also hate crows with a passion and are known to have held them hostage for ransom in the past (this also means the crows hate them).

Name: Cement
Age: 5 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Easygoing and generally accepting to all, regardless of their abilities as a fighter. Often takes time to just let her gang talk and fly. Has a reputation as being soft, but will, if needed, fight fiercely for her gang, who she considers her flock.
Cement is a quiet bird, but somehow that only enhances her commanding presence; she only speaks when she has something important to say, and those who hear her speak know that. She thinks a lot. She thinks much more than she talks. Under the surface, her mind is often in turmoil due to the hard decisions she has to make as gang leader, and now, as General. Her role is a stressful one, but she doesn’t show it; except to her devoted mate Russet, who is often the one bird who keeps her going.
Description: Dark gray with lighter patches (blue t-check) and missing half her middle toe on one foot.


(Drawings by @Amer )
Rank/Status: General/gang leader
Family (if significant): Suliver is her brother, though not many know
Mate: Russet
Chicks: none
History: Though she's friendly with her flockmates, she doesn't share her past with anybody that doesn’t already know it. Says she doesn't want to "trouble them with old problems".

However, her history is an interesting one.

Cement had a relatively normal chickhood, her brother Suliver ever by her side. When she was old enough, she, along with her brother, rushed to join the pigeon military, and became part of the unit (aka gang) led by a strategist named Wire. Things were going well, Cement survived battles against crows, ravens, and even gulls. She made good friends, and was generally respected, but felt no ambition for anything more.
One day, during what was thought to be an easy battle, disaster struck. The gang was ambushed by exotic birds called parrots, who were driven to violence after being forced out of their territory by the pigeon military. Cement was almost killed by one, but at the last second, a young pigeon she had befriended saved her life, and she only lost half a toe. However, Wire, her leader, died in the battle and they were forced to retreat.
Her brother, Suliver, became the new gang leader. But, with this new power, Cement started to see a change in her brother. What had previously been a sort of controlled coldness within him grew, until he was a harsh and ruthless leader, stopping at nothing to make sure his enemies— and anyone associated with them —were completely destroyed. One day, the same pigeon who had saved Cement’s life, Lightning, tried to prevent an enemy bird’s chicks from being killed. Suliver, enraged by this perceived betrayal, imprisoned Lightning and intended to make an example of her; but Cement helped her escape. After that, Cement could not return to Suliver’s gang, and went out on her own, disillusioned with gang life and the pigeon military. Some time later, after meeting other pigeons who had similarly deserted the military, Cement rejoined the pigeon military and took on a role of leadership in order to protect her friends, who were often the target of gang violence. That’s when she met Russet, whose story motivated her to do more for her flock and those she could help, and who she eventually fell in love with.
Other: this backstory may sound like I just came up with it, but it’s actually based on some short stories I wrote a while ago.
Username: RoostersAreAwesome

Name: Shard
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Strict and unfeeling. Has eyes that seem to bore right through you. Calculating and merciless in battle. Loyal to a fault to the pigeon military and the former General One-Toe. Suspicious of any birds that aren’t pigeons or are non-members. Brash and easily angered, and, if angered, will jump right into a battle even if her chances of winning are slim.
Description: Light brown and white pigeon (ash red t-check) with orange eyes
Rank/Status: former Lieutenant
Family (if significant): N/A
Mate: Dead
Chicks: None
History: Shard used to be a relatively easygoing gang leader, more interested in helping the other birds in her gang than fighting. But one day, as she was flying near the coast, she noticed a dead pigeon near the water. Coming closer, she realized that it was her beloved mate. She was absolutely devastated. As Shard examined him, she noticed wounds on his head. He'd been murdered.
Shard blamed the seagulls living nearby, but knew there was no way her small gang of untrained birds could possibly fight them. So, she fought and fought, becoming better and better at knowing just the right way to overwhelm her enemies. One-Toe eventually noticed and made her a lieutenant, and she launched a successful attack on the seagulls, leaving many dead.

Then, in one fight (which she started) with a seagull on the border, Shard’s entire life changed. Her wing was broken, and it didn’t heal right, leaving her flightless.

Now, with Lieutenants no longer needed and General One-Toe gone, Shard doesn’t know what to do. And, being grounded, her options are limited… who knows what the future holds for her?
Username: RoostersAreAwesome

Name: One-Toe
Age: 5 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Fierce, cold, and calculating. Ethics? Morals? Who has time for all that? Certainly not One-Toe! She didn’t bother thinking about the consequences of her choices as long as the pigeon military thrived. She was confident and full of herself and her power, which has now all but evaporated.
Description: Darker gray pigeon (blue t-check) with only one toe
Rank/Status: former General, now disgraced and alone… or is she?
Family (if significant): N/A
Mate: An unimportant lieutenant
Chicks: Open. General One-Toe doesn't have time to raise her chicks, so allows other pigeons to raise them (usually her mate).
History: No one knows. It is rumored that she lost her toes in a battle with a gull.
Other: One-Toe was almost assassinated by Suliver’s hawk, but managed to escape with a broken wing and injured leg. Now, she may have found new alliances, those of which may not have the best interests of the pigeon military in mind…
Username: RoostersAreAwesome
Wow, never knew Cement’s backstory before! That almost makes me want to go into more detail on Russet’s. Almost.
Also I always thought Cement was a regular check, not a t-check. Hence the images. 😂
Ritz Crackers’ previous character sheet is a little chaotic so I’ll try to make sense of it.
Name: Ritz Crackers (but friends call him Ritz)
Age: 5
Gender: male
Personality: Outgoing, but only if you are within the reaches of his friends and family group. He’s on the quieter side but he used to be quite void of any mystery. Ever since he fell in with Fish Sticks, however, his life has gotten quite complicated. It definitely proved to be a challenge for a bird who used to be as clear as a glass of water.
He is pretty shallow, but not a glass half empty kind of guy, pressing the metaphor further.
He spends more time on the water than the average gull. He is unlikely to accept food from human hands, being the unadventurous, homey, and clingy sort. This just ain't your average parking lot "sea gull."
Description: small, with a black head, grey wings, a white underside, and red feet. I saw these in real life before. Look up "Bonaparte's gull" he's pretty typical.
Rank/Status: just your average Bonaparte's gull. Not many gulls of other species in his flock, but a few
Family (if significant): yes, and he knows them all by name
Mate: no
Chicks: no
History: he only ate human food once—a Ritz Cracker. He was so proud, and he loved the name so much, he named himself after it.
Other: can't handle being alone
New character!!
Name: Gladys
Age: 13
Gender: f
Personality: a gull with traditional values and common sense. She loves her 13 children and her mate. She is a very good mother. Loves talking about drama but hates getting involved.

Rank/Status: senior
Family (if significant):
Mate: she has one but he’s not super relevant, but someone can go ahead and make him if they want
Chicks: 13 including Ritz Crackers. All different ages. Many have moved away though.
History: entirely what you’d expect
She probably won’t be very relevant to the plot.
Other: I kinda forgot gulls don’t nest in winter so realistically she shouldn’t be nesting so I’m trying to think of a different excuse.
Actually she doesn’t need one. She just didn’t want to go fight.
Anyway some of her lines are based on this video:
Everything I write is memes.
Username: Amer
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Wow, never knew Cement’s backstory before! That almost makes me want to go into more detail on Russet’s. Almost.
Also I always thought Cement was a regular check, not a t-check. Hence the images. 😂
Oh, I was basing the description on how you drew her :oops: I always assumed that was t-check? Since it’s only a bit lighter than the the classic pattern with the “T’s”?
New character!!
Name: Gladys
Age: 13
Gender: f
Personality: a gull with traditional values and common sense. She loves her 13 children and her mate. She is a very good mother. Loves talking about drama but hates getting involved.
Description:View attachment 3474536
Rank/Status: senior
Family (if significant):
Mate: she has one but he’s not super relevant, but someone can go ahead and make him if they want
Chicks: 13 including Ritz Crackers. All different ages. Many have moved away though.
History: entirely what you’d expect
She probably won’t be very relevant to the plot.
Other: I kinda forgot gulls don’t nest in winter so realistically she shouldn’t be nesting so I’m trying to think of a different excuse.
Actually she doesn’t need one. She just didn’t want to go fight.
Anyway some of her lines are based on this video:
Everything I write is memes.
Username: Amer
Her 13 children :lol:

That video implies that Fish Sticks is a failure since he can’t repair 300-400 fax machines :lau
Oh, I was basing the description on how you drew her :oops: I always assumed that was t-check? Since it’s only a bit lighter than the the classic pattern with the “T’s”?

Her 13 children :lol:

That video implies that Fish Sticks is a failure since he can’t repair 300-400 fax machines :lau
I guess she could be a very light t-check, or a check. Either way.
I find it funny One-Toe has a mate. Wasn’t expecting that. But then, pigeons seem to pair up at any opportunity, I suppose.

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