
Apr 25, 2020
This is a new thread for a thread I posted with questions a few days ago. Im hoping more people see this with advice.
Background: male goose started "squeaking" and had diarrhea. Next day, began shaking his head as if something was lodged in his throat.

Friday Update: *****HELP****sound of his honk changed drastically today. Heard the noise. Went out and checked, it looked as if he was choking. Shaking his head back and forth and stretching his neck in between back to back "honks". This happened for approx 2 minutes. I panicked, instantly got in my car and drove to tractor supply, bought safe guard liquid goat dewormer, weighed myself, weighed myself holding him, and treated him with the dewormer accordingly from articles I've read on here. My fears are now gapeworm from everything ive read and not a respiratory sickness. Could he have gotten gapeworm from being with my chickens? My chickens aren't showing symptoms. Should I treat everyone right now? I have 13 chickens and 3 geese. He is the ONLY one exhibiting any symptoms
It would be helpful to see a video of your Gander making these noises.

Waterfowl, including most other bird species, tend not to suffer from Gapeworms ( Syngamus trachea). When respiratory distress is seen, is likely to be caused by other problems. In chickens that's often a respiratory disease, but with geese your more inclined to see a tracheal obstruction or a bacterial/fungal-related infection as a cause of dyspnea. Most of the time, the problem will resolve itself, but on occasions, you may have a bird that inhaled a rather large, hard object like an apple seed.

Over the internet, no one here can tell you what the cause of dyspnea is, and sadly, there is not much you can do for at-home treatment. Sometimes these foreign pieces get lodged into the narrowing of the trachea, so surgery needs to be done to establish a second airway for the bird, while an attempt is made to dislodge the piece. Often times birds may be given an antibiotic, or antifungal, and in most cases, oxygen therapy is arranged.

Treating him for Gapeworm is O.K, but treating him with an antibiotic for the chance of it being related to bacterial is risky, as you could potentially make the problem worse by creating an environment for fungal/yeast to grow, and end up with a bird with Aspergillus.

I think it would be in your best interest to you have your Gander evaluated by an avian vet familiar with geese. Sorry, we can't be more of help, but problems like these depend on physical examination and diagnostics.

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