gasing - washington post story

Hmmm the part about whole foods switching to slow grow breeds by 2024 feels like such a cop out. It would only take a couple of years tops to switch out where all of their chickens come from...why do they need 8 years? Oh probably to see how it effects sales and change their minds. Its a tale as old as time: customer asks for heritage breed, customer receives overpriced bird, customer asks where the heck the white meat is, customer realizes the two things they want cannot co-exist.

The photo of the size difference made me smile, those are my cute little (um okay HUGE) X babies!
Good article. I completely agree with getting rid of growth hormones and antibiotics, but I truly don't have an issue with a fast growing hybrid or cutting their throats.
Growth hormones in chickens have been illegal since the late 1950’s in the US. Google it and confirm it. They are still used in beef and some other animals but not in chickens. That’s a myth that just won’t die.

I agree with you on antibiotics, don’t use them as a preventative and only use them if there is a truly specific need.

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