General advice/rules on sexing chicks w/o venting

Are they day old/less than a week chicks? If so then aside from sexlinks I suggest praying to your preferred deity. I would choose cleaning your house so you can ask for help from a kikimora or something, personally.

But in all seriousness, outside of sexlinks there's no reliable way to tell chick sex aside from vent sexing. Someone even did a series of experiments to see if any old wives tale sexing methods worked and they didn't.
Are they day old/less than a week chicks? If so then aside from sexlinks I suggest praying to your preferred deity. I would choose cleaning your house so you can ask for help from a kikimora or something, personally.

But in all seriousness, outside of sexlinks there's no reliable way to tell chick sex aside from vent sexing. Someone even did a series of experiments to see if any old wives tale sexing methods worked and they didn't.
I saw the Sexing project post but couldn't find where the results were.

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