Genetic Throwup? Pictures added :)


Simply Stated
10 Years
Feb 3, 2009
Hope Mills, NC
We have Mottled Cochins and we hatched out babies.

3 are normal looking, then 8 are Black with TINY bit of white and frizzled? Fullblooded still?
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Hi! That sounds curious! How old are the chicks?
My mottled Cochins hatch either yellow (with or without a black headspot) or black --- they all feather out the same (to my eye).
Is there a Frizzled bird around that might be a possible parent?

If mottled cochins can be black then I am guessing that's what they are. There are no frizzle birds here, haven't been and they are the first I've had in years. We did hatch some rosecomb/cochin mixes, but someone on here told me since they were rosecomb/single comb mixes, all mixes would be rosecombed. There are some like that, no middle toe feathering, smooth combed, splotched faces. The black ones have BEAUTIFUL middle toe feathering, but are mostly black, and frizzled.
Can you post pics of the frizzled ones? I had some that sorta look like they were frizzled but they really werent once they became adults. It like the feathers were a little kinked. Also I think that some of the mottles are born with some white on them and some are not.

Definitley frizzled, there's 8 of the frizzles, 4 of the mixes, and 3 of the normal.


Mottled Wings


Rosecomb mix
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I am sorry but I dont see the frizzle either? They may just be kinked like some of mine--I have a new hatch from a mottled cochin who could possibly be frizzled--in a few days if it starts to frizzle up then I will post a pic. He is very light colored but both parents were blue so I think he/she is gonna be a splash. My other frrizzles are like 5 weeks old I think and it is very obvious on them. How old are your babies? Would a pic of one that was almost totally feathered help you any?

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