Gettting eggs


In the Brooder
Dec 31, 2015
St.Stephen New Brunswick Canada
Hey everyone,

i have 20 hens of several different breeds, they are all just getting done molting and I know they dont lay as much in the winter because of the dayligt such, I live in New Bruswick Canada, but in the past 7 years I've had hens I have never ever had this much truoble getting them to lay again, No eggs in 2 months now. They get tons of feed lots of scrape veg and such tons of space and I have a timer that turns the lights on at 6 am and off at 6 pm. What else can I do to get my lovely girls laying again so I can get eggs for hatching ?
How old are your hens, two months isn't really that long for a molt and recovery, I have repeatedly read that people who post about their chickens not laying end up with an egg pretty quick after posting.
It is not normal for hens to molt at a young age, it can be taxing. I have had hens not lay for longer than that, breed and breeding behind the hens can be a big factor as well as weather.
I generally like to grab them by the neck, shake them, and yell, lay an egg you freeloader!!!! *
I've thought about swinging them around in a circle to see if centrifugal force would have any effect.

Mostly I just like yelling at them, and pinching their cute little red combs.
They don't lay any better, but it makes me feel good.

* I don't really use the word free loader, but anything else that starts with an "F"

J/k I do none of these things. I hope you get a good answer.
It is not normal for hens to molt at a young age, it can be taxing. I have had hens not lay for longer than that, breed and breeding behind the hens can be a big factor as well as weather.
I''m going to double what Old Hen said. It's not typical for hens to molt prior to 16-18 months old. Since they are not laying anyway, I would deworm the flock. Also, lots of scraps can lower the nutritional value and protein level of the feed. You might feed feather fixer and supplement with alfalfa hay or other high protein nutritional snacks. Best of luck to you.
I am curiously in this thread too, because I have four young hens who have not molted, but their egg laying has stopped 100% in the past two weeks. I have an older hen who has already molted as well. Even our ducks are not laying. This is the first time my husband and I are raising birds ourselves so this Winter behavior is new to me. Can someone direct me to a good thread/info site about what I can expect in the Winter (if they will even lay eggs at all?)
I am curiously in this thread too, because I have four young hens who have not molted, but their egg laying has stopped 100% in the past two weeks. I have an older hen who has already molted as well. Even our ducks are not laying. This is the first time my husband and I are raising birds ourselves so this Winter behavior is new to me. Can someone direct me to a good thread/info site about what I can expect in the Winter (if they will even lay eggs at all?)
Winter laying is usually about stopping and starting, laying won't become consistent until around March when you can feel Spring coming, southern folks might be in February, so expect eggs sporadically, keeping stress down and making sure they don't run out of water, every cold snap will halt laying, and certain breeds will stop completely during winter, your best shot is with egg laying breeds.
My RIR started laying 2 weeks ago at 6.5 months old, and we have gotten a egg everyday since - I live in MA

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