
I have been in a few haunted places.. One was an old post office built in the late 1800's early 1900's..
My Mom owned it and used it as an antique store.. I was only 5 years old at the time... We know how good young people can make believe stuff lol..

But anyways, the bulding had an upstairs and a down stairs.. My Mom used the down stairs for her store. And the upstairs was for us 3 kids.. We were always up there but we never stayed there when it started to get dark. One night I was there by myself..

And I hear my Mom calling me and telling me it was time to go.. And the only light that was turned on got turned off by my Mom. I started to panic a bit and started to make my way to the stairs. When all of a sudden I herd a noise, like somebody was running around in the same room I was in. I kept seeing pitch black spots circleing. I freaked out and ran down the stairs.

A week later I was up there late again but with a friend.. We were sitting there playing. When my friend said he hurd something. We were quiet for a second.. We didnt here anything so we continued to play. My Friend jumped and said he hurd the noise again. and all of a sudden We hurd a loud crash in the next room.. We decided to go see what it was.. Soon as we got to the door and started to turn the nob we hurd something walking around, moving stuff and thumping.. We were so scared that we practically slid down the stair banister to get away.. And when we got downstairs we asked my Mom if she hurd anything.. And she thought we were being crazy..

Never spent a night there again...

It wasnt just that.. even downstairs things were going on. Things were constanly out ouf place.. Things that it took atleast 5-6 people to move it would be moved. Noises, Thumping... After my Mom experienced it a little then she didnt think we were crazy..

it was abandoned for 10 years after we left.. My friends nextdoor neibor moved in. They were refurbashing the place when they started to get a reaction from the past residence.. They had a bunch of kids that they moved up stairs. After a week they started to claim that they could hear footsteps and noises. Well I guess it got worse for them. One of the kids that was in the play room (the room I was in) was haunted. They would be sleeping and all of a sudden they would get a wierd shiver up their spine. They would open their eyes and could see a wierd figure(like a man) walking around in the room. They were so scared that they didnt ever go in the room again..

I for one never got a good look at the ghost... But I had a feeling somebody else was in the room with me..

But now I live next to an indian burrial ground. Not for sure though... But when I walked in their I got a wierd vibe.. I have a creek next to my house... I have found a bunch of Indian weighter stones...
In the mid 70's we lived in Champaign, Illinois. We would see a young boy about 8 with tow blond hair and a striped shirt run past the front window as if he was going to the front door. Several times we would go open the door thinking it was a neighbor boy who was about the same age. Three of us saw it but mostly my step-mother and me. After a while we would just shout out, "There goes the blond haired boy!" There were shoulder high bushes along the opposite side of the walk-way in front of the house leading to the front door, so the boys image really showed up against them.

I even wrote the current owners a couple of years ago to see if they had seen him and they wrote back! But the haven't seen him.

After doing some web-search it seems blond haired boys are a common sighting.

ETA: Corrected my spelling....not "stripped shirt"...."striped shirt" D'OH!
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Just going to throw in my opinion on ghosts and spirits and such since it is probably a VERY different take on it from most.
As an atheist I don't believe in spirits, ghosts, etc. What I do believe, however, is that every living thing constantly gives off energy and "signals" if you will. Those signals can be picked up by receivers. Receivers we ALL have, even though many have lost the ability to use them through the years. I think we are all fully capable of sending and receiving "telepathic" messages (hence so many people who KNOW the minute of death of a loved one miles away). When someone dies I believe the energy is still hanging out and can be picked up by sensitive individuals (and perhaps photographic equipment?).

I have seen enough, known enough, felt enough to know it is not just make believe.
I mentioned this before, but has anyone noticed in the photo that the white reflection looks like a tombstone falling over?? Look at it with your head tilted to the right, the tombstone's base is on the left side of the photo with the upper part falling off and on his head.

ETA: Look at it in the enlarged photo on page 3.
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Yeah it kinda does, now question... To see that you did have to turn you're head sideways, so are you one of those people that look at stuff sideways a lot of the times like a dog when they hear a high pitched noise?


PS. Not ment to be offensive, im tired.
Yeah it kinda does, now question... To see that you did have to turn you're head sideways, so are you one of those people that look at stuff sideways a lot of the times like a dog when they hear a high pitched noise?


PS. Not ment to be offensive, im tired.

Man i tell ya that paralizing/not being able to talk is what mainly gets you ain't it?

About two or so years ago i was lying in my bed and awoke to the feeling of someone gently grabbing my arm and a woman quietly saying "Daniel", i open my eyes and try to move.. Nope.. I try to scream just to see if i could, i wasn't terribly scared because i figured it was just a dream or something, nope.. If it made any noise it was like a faint gargle. It feels like 100 pounds is sitting on my whole body, i try and force myself to sit up but can't... Keep trying and then give it all my might BAM sit straight up in the bed and and feel someone let go of my arm, exactly 3AM on the clock...

Symptoms and characteristics of Sleep Paralysis

Physiologically, sleep paralysis is closely related to the paralysis that occurs as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is known as REM atonia. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from a REM state, but the body paralysis persists. This leaves the person fully conscious, but unable to move. The paralysis can last from several seconds to several minutes "after which the individual may experience panic symptoms and the realization that the distorted perceptions were false".[5] When there is an absence of narcolepsy, sleep paralysis is referred to as isolated sleep paralysis (ISP).[6] "ISP appears to be far more common and recurrent among blacks than among whites or Nigerian blacks",[7] and is often referred to within black communities as "the Devil on your back"[8][9]

In addition, the paralysis state may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger.[10] Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual due to the vividness of such hallucinations.[11] The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that someone will interpret the experience as a dream, since completely fanciful, or dream-like, objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision. Some scientists have proposed this condition as an explanation for alien abductions and ghostly encounters.[12] A study by Susan Blackmore and Marcus Cox of the University of the West of England supports the suggestion that reports of alien abductions are related to sleep paralysis rather than to temporal lobe lability.[13]

I have sleep paralysis pretty commonly-- well, as "commonly" as a few times a year. I've gotten used to it, and have learned to just lie there and remind myself that it will go away soon, and not to be scared. Usually my brain concludes that the person I perceive in my bedroom is a burglar who has broken into the house, but after a short bit I remind myself that it's not likely a burglar would have the ability (or inclination) to paralyze me. The first time it happened it scared the crap out of me, so I started trying to find out exactly what was going on. It's pretty neat stuff to read about.​

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