
I looked at it and my first thought was Oh my gosh she is beautiful! She looks like an actress.
Then I thought, cool picture, being a photographer. Then I thought who is that stupid idiot in the window ruining a beautiful picture!! How annoying!! lol
I got no chills. It could have been somene older if they were leaning over.
The eye darkening is more likely shadow to me. That whole side of his face is darker.
The reflection looks like a building with the space to the left being an open door and the top of the "tombstone" being shaded by trees.
I do not see a face in the bricks but who knows like someone said they see faces in potato chips, just like looking at the clouds.
The face could look like a boys but that is some wicked huge forhead. The hairline is pretty far back.

I believe they are angels or demons but I would LOVE to see Ghost hunters attend a church gathering, different kinds of services and see what they see cause if demons cause reactions so would angels.
Rillion, could you please find something regarding breathing that stops during sleep. You wake up once you stop breathing...but realize that something is crushing your chest, only to see that nothing is there?

It's not sleep apnea, but would like information regarding it, if you can give information.

Thanks jafo and NewChickMom!

I just have this "feeling" that spirits can only go where they've already been at one point in their life. I don't know why, but since I have moved to new apartments since her death, I never get those feelings. When I'm home or someplace we've been at one point, I may get the feelings, but usually it's just memories that come back. (There is a distinct difference!
Man i tell ya that paralizing/not being able to talk is what mainly gets you ain't it?

About two or so years ago i was lying in my bed and awoke to the feeling of someone gently grabbing my arm and a woman quietly saying "Daniel", i open my eyes and try to move.. Nope.. I try to scream just to see if i could, i wasn't terribly scared because i figured it was just a dream or something, nope.. If it made any noise it was like a faint gargle. It feels like 100 pounds is sitting on my whole body, i try and force myself to sit up but can't... Keep trying and then give it all my might BAM sit straight up in the bed and and feel someone let go of my arm, exactly 3AM on the clock...

Symptoms and characteristics of Sleep Paralysis

Physiologically, sleep paralysis is closely related to the paralysis that occurs as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is known as REM atonia. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from a REM state, but the body paralysis persists. This leaves the person fully conscious, but unable to move. The paralysis can last from several seconds to several minutes "after which the individual may experience panic symptoms and the realization that the distorted perceptions were false".[5] When there is an absence of narcolepsy, sleep paralysis is referred to as isolated sleep paralysis (ISP).[6] "ISP appears to be far more common and recurrent among blacks than among whites or Nigerian blacks",[7] and is often referred to within black communities as "the Devil on your back"[8][9]

In addition, the paralysis state may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger.[10] Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual due to the vividness of such hallucinations.[11] The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that someone will interpret the experience as a dream, since completely fanciful, or dream-like, objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision. Some scientists have proposed this condition as an explanation for alien abductions and ghostly encounters.[12] A study by Susan Blackmore and Marcus Cox of the University of the West of England supports the suggestion that reports of alien abductions are related to sleep paralysis rather than to temporal lobe lability.[13]

I have sleep paralysis pretty commonly-- well, as "commonly" as a few times a year. I've gotten used to it, and have learned to just lie there and remind myself that it will go away soon, and not to be scared. Usually my brain concludes that the person I perceive in my bedroom is a burglar who has broken into the house, but after a short bit I remind myself that it's not likely a burglar would have the ability (or inclination) to paralyze me. The first time it happened it scared the crap out of me, so I started trying to find out exactly what was going on. It's pretty neat stuff to read about.​

Yup, could be i guess.. But i believe it was a spirit or demon if you will. weird that it FELT as if you were to get touched by a actual person.. And was waken up by hearing my name which is about the only way to ever wake me up. Plus that much stuff happening around the same time all in a week, just seems iffy to me.. Not to mention it was exactly 3am, and around when that happened.. And the picture got thrown 3 feet/the ashtray took a 6 foot jump from cabinet to floor (outwards, not straight down). And 3am is actually the time that many people believe "portals" for demons open up or something like that.. I don't really listen/believe in the portals etc stuff, but it's what people say.
When I've awakened with sleep paralysis, that's often the first thing I notice-- not being able to breathe. Sometimes I have the "crushing" feeling, sometimes not. But I've never had the breathing problem separate from the paralysis.
I found this :
In some cases, when hypnogogic hallucinations are present, people feel that someone is in the room with them, some experience the feeling that someone or something is sitting on their chest and they feel impending death and suffocation. That has been called the “Hag Phenomena” and has been happening to people over the centuries. These things cause people much anxiety and terror, but there is no physical harm.

("Hypnogogic" means that you're drifting into the sleep state and are pulled back out of it. )​
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It could be trees but there is that 45 degree angle between the "falling tombstone" and the base that makes it look really weird.

I rotated the photo so it's easier to see. It looks (to me) like a large concrete urn or a tombstone falling off of a base.

Fun stuff, whatever it is. Gets the imagination going!!

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Thought I would report in.....I have just gotten back from Oakland (name of the house) and the little boy did not show up. My cousin's daughter is having a small wedding on the back porch tomorrow night and I have been over there doing the flowers. I would like to say I have enjoyed everyone sharing their experiences. Whether you believe or not. I guess the little boy (spirit) or teenage girl (real) will be a mystery for now. If anything else happens, I will keep everyone here informed. My mom says the broken tombstone is still there and you can see the crack where they repaired it, so we're going to the cemetery to look for it tomorrow. I love old cemetery's and this one dates back to the 1700's. General Thomas Brown, who built the house is buried there.

Although nobody lives there, we do use the house a lot. It is used as a hunting lodge and family home for weekend get aways. I have 12 cousins, a brother and 2 sisters and we take turns using it.

AND my sons GF does have big feet...size 8 1/2. I know because we wear the same size.
Aww gee I would love to go to the Cemetery's with You !
I love old Cemetarys they have so much history.
especeally the older ones.

I wonder if there is anyway to trace back the child who was killed by the tombstone?
Is there a name of the family, or perchance a Newspaper that could look through the micro films?
I would especially be interested in an old photo of the child to compare to the child in the window.
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thats what i'm saying about the forehead and hairline. the eyes have a sadness about them. at one point i thought it could be an older lady with her hair up, and a wrinkled forehead.

maybe the little boys injuries required his forehead to be shaved?

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