Going to ask her tonight

Yah, THAT'S the ticket!!


LOL Ladies !!!! Ladies !!! I think we are straying from the real message here. Proposing is all about making him feel better, let's get with the program ladies ............. Ok I'll just do this to myself for Ya'lls amusement
Without reading 11 pages....

Are you going to put the ring in an egg and have her open it?
That'd be cute if she shares your chicken love.

Kinda gross, if she doesn't
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I'd pamper her for now, and wait till she feels better to propose. You've waited 18 years to ask...can't you wait until she feels like answering?
I'd hold off and just spend time with her and you can tell her later how she made you wait and both of you can get a good laugh...since she has patiently waited for so long for you

That's just my 2 cents though
Blessings to you both, and congrats in advance!
Are you going to put the ring in an egg and have her open it? That'd be cute if she shares your chicken love.

Kinda gross, if she doesn't

My dh, proposed when I was sick with flu, bad.. I loved it, so nice while I was throwing up that night, I would stop n look at new ring.. Smile n throw up some more. Hind sight, it would be nice to have a magical moment, to tell people. But really, in the moment it was so nice! And ever time I am throwing up, I look and ring and think of better times.. knowing I will get over it, and have something to look forward too!
can I just say from a girls point of view..... If my husband of 15 years ever went down to the bar with the boys after I said I was not feeling well he would not be called my husband for much longer.... he would be called the ex-husband...


Really Al?
I must be odd because when I am sick I would rather just be left the heck alone. If my husband went out when I was sick, that would be fine with me as long as he took the kids with him!

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