Going to ask her tonight

Whatever you do don't put the ring in the soup or the chocolate, no good has ever come from that.
So I say "do you want peas or corn?" she says "nether I dont feel good". I say "whats wrong?" she says "I think I'm coming down with the flu." now she is in bed what do I do now?

I'll tell you about the first time my then boyfriend, now husband, told me "I love you". We were both still in college. I had some sort of flu/cold/serious ick bug, and had to cancel going to visit him at his college. He surprises me by showing up at my dorm room, takes me into a hug despite my drool/snot stains and bed hair, hands me a basket full of my then nessecity kit (at the time, Vanilla coke and M & Ms) along with a stuffed animal and kleenex, and babies me with motrin and by sitting with me until I felt well enough to sleep again. He then told me, "I love you", and pretty much bolted as he was even more shy then versus today. X) I still get all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it. He really let me know that he was in it for the hard times too, and he has more than proven that through the years.

I'm not saying propose to her while she has the flu, but I am saying that showing your love during this time is more appreciated than even the most romantic dinners.
And, when you do propose when she is feeling better, you both will probably get a kick out of it when you reveal when you were planning on proposing. XD

The flu has been hitting everyone around here too.​
Okay, here's the question -- do you think being sick will ruin the proposal for her, or do you think that the proposal will make her feel better?

Oh . . . anybody here watch Frasier? I just remembered the same thing happened to Niles and Daphne. He wound up proposing and she said yes, by the way.

Alright, highjacking concluded!
Especially not in chocolate. I might have a chance of not gulping down a ring in soup, but that chocolate is going down whole.
Why not in the soup? It would be like finding a prize in cracker jacks.
Well, unless she chokes on it.

If she swallows the ring cause he put it in the soup, he will have to wait another 2 days to propose
get a bowl and a plate.... and a serving tray... a champagne flute with ginger ale...

put the ring box in the bowl and cover it with the plate (so the plate is making a lid) place this and the other items on the serving tray

bring it to her in bed (or on the sofa) and tell her you made her something that may make her feel better... when she takes off the plate she sees the open ring box in the empty soup bowl.... (have chicken noodle soup in stand by too)
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Why not in the soup? It would be like finding a prize in cracker jacks.
Well, unless she chokes on it.

If she swallows the ring cause he put it in the soup, he will have to wait another 2 days to propose

Chicken noodle soup, flowers, and ..... what's the drink here?
Maybe not put the ring in anything. Yea, better not.
I wanna hear this proposal.
What ya gonna say, Scott? I am sure Al can help ya with that.

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