Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

This is a picture of my mom and my chicken. Do you think she is a golden laced wyandotte? She is the sweetest chicken ever. She loves jumping in your lap for pets. She is a bit of a boss pants to the other chicks that we have since she is a couple weeks older than them. But she can't boss around my Serama hen. She is in my profile picture. LOL

Black Laced Golden Wyandotte for sure. Beautiful photo.
I ordered the Frying Pan Special (male leghorns) from McMurray and forgot to uncheck the 'free rare breed' box. Well, looks like we've got ourselves a GLW! I guess if it turns out to be a she, she'll make a nice layer with our Buff Orpington ladies and if she turns out to be a HE, it'd be interesting to see what kind of babies would result from the BO/GLW mix!

Oh, as I go thru this thread, I Sooooo VERY Badly want a GLW! I would like it in the Banty size. Maybe next year it will happen. I think they are so incredibly beautifully marked ans from those I've talked to that they have good personalities. I'm here leaning on the front window drooling over all your pretty girl's! :D

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