Good sources of protien?

Most good Feed Mills that mix there own feed will have Fish meal. It comes in a 50 lb bag and is around 60% crude protein, 6% fat and less than 2% crude fiber.
As for the peas that I listed some feed mills will have it or if you cant find it and you don't need a lot of it you can get it on line at a pigeon supplies site.
Just remember that a little go a long way with either the Fish meal and the Peas.
The Peas are around 34% protein if I remember right..

Here is a site that carers the Peas if you cant find it around you...

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If you don't have a whole lot of chickens, mine love split peas. I just buy a bag and soak them in water.

They really like cat food too. When they were free range (we live on a blacktop road and they were getting way too brave) they were always sneaking onto the deck to get into the outside cat's food. We give them good cat food though. I figure we go thru the trouble of expensive feed, I don't want to give them cheap cat food either! (you don't want to give them one with chicken in it)
That is good to know. I only have 5 chickens at the moment so I can go with the smaller quanities.

To those who feed cat food.. Are you talking about dry cat kibble? So you soak it first or just offer then a little )key word little heh) plain?
I'm trying to find organic feeds in my area, and that is proving difficult. For protein I've been going with dried mealworms.....they rate at about 50% protein, I rehydrate them with some water. Best price I've found is on They all go bonkers for whole winter squashes halved and set out to pick apart. The pea idea sounds good, I'll have to research that some more. From what I've been reading about protein sources for poultry, there is also an amino acid factor in balancing the protein portion of their diet. Specifically, they need to eat an "animal protein" so they can get the proper amino acids that they don't naturally synthesize themselves. Another tidbit I've found is NEVER feed RAW soybean to your birds! Toxic to them or something. Thanks for posting this topic, I am interested to learn more!!
Roaches and black soldier fly larvae pretty much cover the protein for my girls.
I still like to give them cheese, yogurt, and cooked meat for variety. BOSS is a must in the morning to keep them occupied while they do their noisy egg-laying.

Blaptica dubia, exotic feeder roaches that do not climb nor stink.


Mealworms are good too, but over all the insects above provide more digestable protein. Mealworms are mostly chitin.
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Mine like cottage cheese. I frequently mix up leftover veggies or overripe veggies (I either chop or grate the raw veggies) with the cottage cheese and they love it! The cottage cheese has both protein and calcium. I think it is only 12% protein, though...
In another post someone mentioned that chickens will eat mice. Does anyone use feeder mice that they sell for snakes? I would imagine they would have no parasites since they are bred for feeding. I think I would feel too sorry for the mouse. What do you think?
My field pea bag says 24% I believe peas in general are around 24%.. Soybeans I believe are around 34%

I think any kind of pea is OK...Getting the birds to eat them without grinding them and mixing them with something else can be a challenge..


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