Goose flapping wings in laying-down state - why?

That looks unusual, I haven’t seen any of mine do that. It almost looks like the wing shake geese will do what preening/bathing to shake water out right before they flap but it isn’t that. Kinda reminds me of shivering.

@GEESES Peanut Butter Cup have you noticed any other symptoms or behaviors that are out of the ordinary? Are they eating normally?
What feed are they on?
@Goosebaby @Miss Lydia @ColtHandorf

Sorry - I wasn't clear - he's a gander.

His behavior today seems normal. Eating normally, swimming as usual, making happy sounds, normal looking feces, not hiding...

He's molting.

Currently, his diet includes grass seeds, lettuce, and grass. (He hasn't eaten his ex-favorite, Mazuri and Purina feed, since he recovered from a molt infection a few months ago, even though we provide feed.)

The video was taken indoors (he requested to come inside). I wonder if the fact that the outdoors is extremely windy has something to do with this.

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