Goose Shenanigans

Geez! Is your roo ok? Any lasting injuries to either of them?
Chance and Tom the drake have gotten into some ugly scuffles but has calmed down now. Tom just runs if he sees Chance coming his way. Once the mating seasons flip though I imagine they will be back at it 😟
Thankfully my roo and gander worked out their differences years ago and my roo very much respects the geese.

They all respect the geese. Golly is just relentless. He had Suede cornered in the hen house behind the feeder ripping into him and beating him with his wings. There were feathers and blood everywhere. If they wouldn't cower down like that he wouldn't actually be able to get them. The birds that run are the ones that stay safe.

Geez! Is your roo ok? Any lasting injuries to either of them?

Not to Golly. But I'm doctoring Suede. He will probably get a bath and blow dry when I get home. He's very tired and wet/cold from the weather. He did have one eye open this morning which was a welcome surprise.
The hen Golly went after last year did. Their bills are just so rough and when they are pinching and pulling on the head/face of another bird things get really swollen. I used Colloidal Silver last spring with good results so that's what he's getting. I don't want to pull him out of the pen completely because reintroducing him will be a complete pain. All the roosters currently get along now, so I just need him to perk up and everything will be good. If the rain stops over the weekend I'll do my best to go out and knock at least a stall out of the barn and if nothing else move the geese over there for now. Maybe on a concrete slab she'll have better luck keeping her nest warm and dry.
Here's my funny goose story. He is always getting into things but I remember this story because it was just a few weeks ago. I had my goose in a big dog crate in the garage because the coop I built him is pretty low to the ground and I accidentally put it right where the snow has been drifting this year, (one morning I woke up and looked out the window and apparently we had had a major snowstorm and his coop was totally buried. I spent the next hour frantically unburying him. He thought this was very amusing. I finally got him out and he was fine, but whenever we have snowstorms I put him in the garage now.) It definitely wasn't a good winter design. Anyway we were going to have a blizzard so I brought him in the garage. I was letting him play in the garage because all the doors were pretty much frozen shut so I couldn't put him outside. He was nibbling everything and having a great time. It was all safe stuff, of course. I ran into the house to grab something and I heard him honk out there. I ran out to check on him and he apparently thought the old wagon looked fun. He started chewing it and his tongue froze to it! He was so freaked out. I poured warm water on it and got it off, but now he is super afraid of the wagon. 😂 He goes way around it now.
Here's my funny goose story. He is always getting into things but I remember this story because it was just a few weeks ago. I had my goose in a big dog crate in the garage because the coop I built him is pretty low to the ground and I accidentally put it right where the snow has been drifting this year, (one morning I woke up and looked out the window and apparently we had had a major snowstorm and his coop was totally buried. I spent the next hour frantically unburying him. He thought this was very amusing. I finally got him out and he was fine, but whenever we have snowstorms I put him in the garage now.) It definitely wasn't a good winter design. Anyway we were going to have a blizzard so I brought him in the garage. I was letting him play in the garage because all the doors were pretty much frozen shut so I couldn't put him outside. He was nibbling everything and having a great time. It was all safe stuff, of course. I ran into the house to grab something and I heard him honk out there. I ran out to check on him and he apparently thought the old wagon looked fun. He started chewing it and his tongue froze to it! He was so freaked out. I poured warm water on it and got it off, but now he is super afraid of the wagon. 😂 He goes way around it now.

😂 Poor guy!
Ouch I bet that did scare him. My geese an roosters respect each other but my Muscovy drake an gander are my two problems my gander always starts it but he ends up getting the snot beat out of him because my drake doesnt quit once he gets Sam down he just keeps on. So once hormones are in full swing for my drake I have to separate them to keep Opie from seriously hurting Sam Yes a drake winning over a gander who would have thunk? I hope your little roo is doing much better today. I almost lost my OEGB roo in Jan from being beat to a pulp by 2 Cochin bantam Roos they went for food an my little OEGB recovered Thank goodness. Funny thing is he probably started it an bit off more than he could chew.

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