Goose Shenanigans

Sam just walks around almost walking over Missy, head streched out like he’s Mr T and in protective mode. So far he’s only bitten me once and he got penned down for it. I can tell he’d love to try again but so far he hasn’t. Yesterday him and my Muscovy drake got into it when my dogs let me know Sam was penned down by the drake and the drake was on top of Sam. Had to give them time out.
I just remembered something I learned from two of my ganders awhile back.

Ganders love to play Angry Peekaboo.

What is Angry Peekaboo?

It’s a lot like normal peekaboo, you duck behind an obstacle and so will they, you pop up and say “PEEKABOO” and they pop up too, you duck back down and pop up again and so do they. The difference is that they try to bite when they pop up.

I’m convinced geese expierience a whole emotion that we don’t, when excitement and joy become so great it turns into ragejoy. 😂
Mine have been model citizens since Georgia has gone broody. Sterling II, one of my Silver-laced Orpington cockerels managed to escape from his tractor/coop with help from the really awful weather we've been having. He and the geese are living in complete harmony. Only like four more years to see if the eggs are fertile. lol

I just figured out how to post this here. I cleaned the pool, let these two stinkers out, came back out after awhile and the pool was filthy. I cleaned it out again the next day, caught them in the act. Strawberry and Darby managed this after only an hour.
Mine do this too! Good soon as I clean out their pool, they mate, then start throwing mud, sticks, rocks, whatever! It's a work out to dump the thing when there's 6 inches of junk in the bottom of it!!
I think the worst thing they have ever done was when Bobby and Belinda walked down the road together all the way to the petrol station and attacked the person in the shop area. As you can imagine it was quite a shock when they called me and told me that my geese had gone walk abouts!😂
O.M.G!! You get the crown for real life Untitled Goose Game!! 😂😂😂

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