Goose Shenanigans

I think the worst thing they have ever done was when Bobby and Belinda walked down the road together all the way to the petrol station and attacked the person in the shop area. As you can imagine it was quite a shock when they called me and told me that my geese had gone walk abouts!😂

That takes the cake for sure!

Mine went on walkabout a few times, Darby starts it, he’s my adventurer. The first time the whole flock just vanished. I searched around and after about three hours just about lost all hope. I think I was in tears at that point. I eventually found them a quarter of a mile down the hill huddled in a scared mob in a puddle in the middle of a road. Stinkers!

I figured out that they had followed a little game trail in the lower yard through the woods until they’d gotten themselves lost. I had to walk that scared little mob all the way back home.

Just the other day Darby and Strawberry “the two mucking up the pool” decided to go on walkabout up through the woods to the neighbors house, then the next day they had another adventure in the lower property and I had to rescue them from the middle of a blackberry bush!
Well mine got into some shenanigans this morning, but not entirely of their own volition. It has been raining on and off here for days. Last night it started and just didn't stop. When I got up (to work from home) this morning all the poultry pens were under about six inches of water. Georgia is nesting in a jumbo cat litter pan to keep her nest dry. Did you know that a goose, nine eggs, and hay in a litter pan will float in six inches of water? Because they do. She'd sailed right out of the entire house into the pen and was idly drifting along fussing in her confusion. Golly of course became enraged at his lovely wife's dilemma and decided that Sterling II (a very handsome Silver-laced Orpington cockerel) was to blame who was innocently minding his own business trying to work on his flamingo impersonation. The roommate summoned me when Golly started in on the cockerel and was holding him under the water. I rescued him, Georgia abandoned ship, literally, and the roommate had Golly pinned down to the ground, waterproof feathers be damned. lol He was furious and embarrassed to say the least. Once everyone was wrangled and calmed down I nudged the drifting nest back into the house, and watched from the kitchen window. Georgia returned to her nest much like a Grebe, Golly stalked over to keep watch, and once Sterling was all fluffy and dry he returned to the big yard. They've been fine all day ever since then. The water has receded enough that her nest is on the ground again. Let's hope it stays that way.
Well mine got into some shenanigans this morning, but not entirely of their own volition. It has been raining on and off here for days. Last night it started and just didn't stop. When I got up (to work from home) this morning all the poultry pens were under about six inches of water. Georgia is nesting in a jumbo cat litter pan to keep her nest dry. Did you know that a goose, nine eggs, and hay in a litter pan will float in six inches of water? Because they do. She'd sailed right out of the entire house into the pen and was idly drifting along fussing in her confusion. Golly of course became enraged at his lovely wife's dilemma and decided that Sterling II (a very handsome Silver-laced Orpington cockerel) was to blame who was innocently minding his own business trying to work on his flamingo impersonation. The roommate summoned me when Golly started in on the cockerel and was holding him under the water. I rescued him, Georgia abandoned ship, literally, and the roommate had Golly pinned down to the ground, waterproof feathers be damned. lol He was furious and embarrassed to say the least. Once everyone was wrangled and calmed down I nudged the drifting nest back into the house, and watched from the kitchen window. Georgia returned to her nest much like a Grebe, Golly stalked over to keep watch, and once Sterling was all fluffy and dry he returned to the big yard. They've been fine all day ever since then. The water has receded enough that her nest is on the ground again. Let's hope it stays that way.
Sounds like an interesting way to start the morning! 😂
Well mine got into some shenanigans this morning, but not entirely of their own volition. It has been raining on and off here for days. Last night it started and just didn't stop. When I got up (to work from home) this morning all the poultry pens were under about six inches of water. Georgia is nesting in a jumbo cat litter pan to keep her nest dry. Did you know that a goose, nine eggs, and hay in a litter pan will float in six inches of water? Because they do. She'd sailed right out of the entire house into the pen and was idly drifting along fussing in her confusion. Golly of course became enraged at his lovely wife's dilemma and decided that Sterling II (a very handsome Silver-laced Orpington cockerel) was to blame who was innocently minding his own business trying to work on his flamingo impersonation. The roommate summoned me when Golly started in on the cockerel and was holding him under the water. I rescued him, Georgia abandoned ship, literally, and the roommate had Golly pinned down to the ground, waterproof feathers be damned. lol He was furious and embarrassed to say the least. Once everyone was wrangled and calmed down I nudged the drifting nest back into the house, and watched from the kitchen window. Georgia returned to her nest much like a Grebe, Golly stalked over to keep watch, and once Sterling was all fluffy and dry he returned to the big yard. They've been fine all day ever since then. The water has receded enough that her nest is on the ground again. Let's hope it stays that way.
Pictures?? Please say you took pics!!
I should mention that I made it back into the house dry and unscathed. My roommate may or may not have thrown a stick (picture Jurassic Park with Alan Grant, a flare, and a very wet, angry Tyrannosaur) to distract him. Well it worked and in her attempt to get away from him she fell in her mud boots and pajamas. Somehow she managed to get up and pin him before he got her.
I should mention that I made it back into the house dry and unscathed. My roommate may or may not have thrown a stick (picture Jurassic Park with Alan Grant, a flare, and a very wet, angry Tyrannosaur) to distract him. Well it worked and in her attempt to get away from him she fell in her mud boots and pajamas. Somehow she managed to get up and pin him before he got her.
Sounds like it was all kicking off! 😂
Ughhh I miss put on this stuff these days! My two ancient geese (Walter & Emma) are in their 40s and have no intention of walking further than 4 meters unless it is for food and my two younger geese (Bobby & Belinda) who are six and five years old have been banished up into the field with the chicken flock and turkeys plus a duck which they think is their pet 😂. I did this after the petrol station incident and when they followed me to the local store and tried to break in!

Bobby (front) and his wife Belinda (back).


Walter (left) and his wife Emma (right).
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