got a new puppy and going to do this right

"Leave it" should never be used for anything you want your dog to touch. Some people use this while placing the dogs food down, when when they're trying trying get the dog to drop its toy, or with other things they'd let the dog touch again.
"Leave it" should be used when your dog is trying to eat something harmful, or is lunging at your chickens.

You can teach this by placing some food kn the ground. Obviously this shouldn't be something that could harm your dog, but something you don't want him to eat. Keep your foot right next to it, so when your dog tries to eat it you can put your foot over it. Say "leave it" in a firm voice (as though it were something bad) and when your dog stops reward him.
This! I never use leave it for his food, etc- I always use 'wait' and then release. Also, if you're putting food on the ground, DON"T let him eat the food on the ground. Reward with something else. You don't want him to think that he can eventually eat that chocolate or pill or grape that you dropped on the floor. Leave it should always be rewarded with something outside of the thing that he has to leave.
Thank you for all the advice!
I have taught him sit what should i teach him next? also i have chickens how should i intreduce him to the chickens? and tomorrow he will have to be in the crate for like 2 hours is this ok? thanks? he does not seem to scared of the crate, as he goes in there on his own.
Start with the chickens in the run, and let him off leash (but with one dragging) to gauge his initial reaction. Ignoring vs curious sniffing vs chasing need different training.

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