Got our first egg! Layer food question

Rachel D

In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2020
Hello! I have four girls that just turned 6 months and today we got our first egg! I think it’s from our barred rock. We also have a golden Wyandotte and two Easter eggers. Everyone is still on grower feed, but we have a bag of layer feed ready as well as oyster shells. When should I make the switch? Is it ok to mix the feeds a bit to finish off the grower feed? I expect my other girls to lay soon but there’s so little light now.. they are all 26+ weeks. Thank you!!
When should I make the switch? Is it ok to mix the feeds
I would wait till 1 of each breed/type are laying before mixing the feeds.
I switched to a Layers feed with my first Flock, but no longer do.
I continue with a Non-medicated Starter Grower feed or a All-Flock crumble, 18 to 20% Protein with Oyster Shells separately.


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