Greenhouse questions

Wow, that’s quite thw greenhouse, we have a manufactured one that used to be on the front of out house. Was a major view blocker and I just didnt like it. Had translucent fiberglass panels maybe 12x12
I looked @ the 10x12 HF greenhouse for a while. Found a couple blogs/forums and if beefed up properly they will last a few years. You can get replacement panels and will need to as they don't last more than 3-4 yrs. With that said:
A few yrs ago I Was in a HF store and saw one in front of the store with $100 off marked on it. It had been ordered and not picked up. I bought it. Since I work 12-16 hr. shifts sometime 6-7 days/wk The build went slowly because I could only work on it for an hour or two @ a time. Took me a couple months to get the foundation and frame up. One day I put panels in the corners and corners of roof to make sure it was square and was so proud of the progress. So next day after work, I went by Lowe's to pick up some conduit, clamps, small bolts etc to start the frame stiffening process. Had noticed earlier in the day, that a small wind had picked up , maybe 25-30 mph. As I pulled into the driveway what I saw was a twisted pile of aluminum. The panels I had installed the day before was enough to catch the wind that day and had made the whole thing useless.
The moral of this story is: They can be made sturdy, provided you go the extra expense and trouble. Add your bracing as you go! Make the panels the last thing you install. Keep the paperwork. You will need the contact #'s, parts #'s etc later on, maybe even during the build.

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