
Jun 1, 2022
Hello! So we have two Embdens that we got as guard geese for our flock of 16 chickens. We have seven chickens that are six months old and nine chickens that are two and a half months old. The guard geese are not quite two months old.

As of the last week the guard geese are chasing the chickens away from their feeders in the morning so they can eat the chicken feed. They're also more aggressive with the older chickens as those ones used to pick on the goslings when they were smaller so I'm wondering if it's payback.

I'm wanting to know the best way for me to teach the goslings to recognize the chickens as part of their flock and not as an enemy. Any and all suggestions would be great.

Thank you!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
We're the goslings brooded with the younger chicks?
Thank you! They were not as we got them a few weeks after the fact but they were in the same garage in brooders and could smell and hear each other for weeks.

The ones they were in the garage with they like more than the older chickens.

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