Gun control and the second amendment....

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At issue here should not be gun control but the addressing of the fact that the mentally ill are not getting the right treatments for their problems. And those that are getting treated are not necessarily being treated by physicians with the proper training. Just because one is a doctor doesn't mean that they are competent dealing with mental issues.

An overwhelming number of these shooters are being treated with very powerful medications. If you've ever taken one, then you know what they can do. If you've ever come off of one, then you also know what can happen. If you've never heard of them, then go look at the side effects.
At issue here should not be gun control but the addressing of the fact that the mentally ill are not getting the right treatments for their problems. And those that are getting treated are not necessarily being treated by physicians with the proper training. Just because one is a doctor doesn't mean that they are competent dealing with mental issues.

An overwhelming number of these shooters are being treated with very powerful medications. If you've ever taken one, then you know what they can do. If you've ever come off of one, then you also know what can happen. If you've never heard of them, then go look at the side effects.

I cannot support this statement enough.
I heard an expert on the T.V. this morning saying the the mentally ill kill between 500 and 600 people in this country every year. It's usually 1 or 2 maybe 3 at a time so it doesn't make the national news.
I really dont know how to take that. I mean they have had gun "experts" on saying that hollow points are a bullets specially made to go threw bullet proof vests. An others saying a home with 6 guns is very odd. They are just making things up so what other "experts" are doing the same..
With ya, BayMule. I believe the first step in the road to tyranny is the disarming of citizens. If criminals didn't have guns they'd have another way to hurt people. I am a firm believer that if God created people, it was still Sam Colt who made them equal. In a place where we have to wait 30-60 minutes for police or fire response, no one is going to talk me out of feeling that way. I choose to live here and I also choose to keep myself protected and not rely on other people.
Many doctors are incompetent treating people with physical disorders, and the mentally ill are an even tougher ball of wax.

My feeling is this: if someone in the school's office had been armed, the shooting would never have gotten as far as it did. They could have defended against the shooter with something besides their own body.
In response to the Huffington post article, I had to wonder why anyone who has a kid with these problems would even allow them to have video games in the first place. Once upon a time, I used to like video games, but they have become so disgustingly violent and so few cute or innocent games left on the market that I almost never even look at them anymore. I've downloaded Tetris, a game of stacking blocks in rows, to my smartphone in case I get stuck somewhere for a long time with nothing to do and I own an upright machine that has PacMan on it, but these newer games they have are just nuts. I forget how many acts of violence they say people see on just normal network television these days. Why is it so surprising that these kids are numbed to it? Even the commercials for the newer video games disgust me.
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