Gun control and the second amendment....

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Are you interested in the opinions of others ? You say that having very few guns in the hands of the citizens is a good thing. If we could ask the 100,000 Jews that were unarmed and rounded up and sent to there deaths by the Germans do you think they would agree that being unarmed was best for them ?

I would put something here but I'm not allowed to

The only thing I said was that I think you need to screen gun owners, to make as sure as possible that they are mentally stable enough to own a weapon. I said that if you make it so easy to get a gun, people that are a real danger to your community can also get one. In almost every cruel event like that of last week, the shooter had serious mental problems. The guy shouldn't have a weapon.
I'm very interested in the opinions of other. A few years ago I would have said "ban all guns". Now I think mentally healthy people can be very responsible gun owners. So I listed, I read.
I still don't understand what all this has to do with the holocaust, the holocaust my grandfather survived.
I will stop visiting this thread, because whatever I say, it's misinterpreted in a bad way. Maybe it's because I'm Dutch, and English is not at all my first language, and it makes me pick out the wrong words. In that case, I'm sorry. I really hope pro- and con- can work together to make this world a little safer.
In response to the Huffington post article, I had to wonder why anyone who has a kid with these problems would even allow them to have video games in the first place. Once upon a time, I used to like video games, but they have become so disgustingly violent and so few cute or innocent games left on the market that I almost never even look at them anymore. I've downloaded Tetris, a game of stacking blocks in rows, to my smartphone in case I get stuck somewhere for a long time with nothing to do and I own an upright machine that has PacMan on it, but these newer games they have are just nuts. I forget how many acts of violence they say people see on just normal network television these days. Why is it so surprising that these kids are numbed to it? Even the commercials for the newer video games disgust me.

Video games are a great way to distract a child. Video games and violent movies do not make people go and do horrible acts. I play call of duty and grand theft auto. I do not shoot and run over random people in real life. But it is always different with mentally unstable. Sometimes a particular videogame is the best way to keep him calm.
Must people that play Farm-Ville, rarely farm

Must people that play violent video games, rarely kill
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The only thing I said was that I think you need to screen gun owners, to make as sure as possible that they are mentally stable enough to own a weapon. I said that if you make it so easy to get a gun, people that are a real danger to your community can also get one. In almost every cruel event like that of last week, the shooter had serious mental problems. The guy shouldn't have a weapon.
I'm very interested in the opinions of other. A few years ago I would have said "ban all guns". Now I think mentally healthy people can be very responsible gun owners. So I listed, I read.
I still don't understand what all this has to do with the holocaust, the holocaust my grandfather survived.

I see your argument regarding screening, but it does seem like there's a risk there - how easy would it be to diagnose a person with the wrong opinions with a "mental illness?" Heck, even without that, it seems like it would cause huge trouble for veterans attempting to purchase a firearm. I've honestly thought about that as a solution, but it seems like a really big risk.

P.S. - English is your second language? Dang. If what you're saying is being misconstrued, it is not because of any flaw in your English.
I will stop visiting this thread, because whatever I say, it's misinterpreted in a bad way. Maybe it's because I'm Dutch, and English is not at all my first language, and it makes me pick out the wrong words. In that case, I'm sorry. I really hope pro- and con- can work together to make this world a little safer.

It's not you. Some people choose to misinterpret.
Quote: It is that way now. All it takes is a doctor to hear the wrong comment an the next time you go to buy a gun you will get denied. If say you are in a state like TN an have a permit on file, the state will send cops to your door an take all your guns. Doctors have no business having the power to remove rights without do proses of law. I do not know any firemen, cops, EMTs or military that dont need to spend time on some doctors couch. Ad the fear of losing your rights an you will make things worse.

Just like seizures. Most people will have one in there life. Go to the doctor for it an your right to drive can go out the window. No surprise, you cant get people to go to the ER when needed cause of it.

Sure, some people dont need guns an some dont need to drive but there should be a system of proof and a jury to do that, not some doctors opinions.

There are already doctors that ask if you own guns before they will see you. There are also children's services people that will take your kids if someone reports you have guns in your house. My friend lost her kids cause her 200 year old house was not new enough for the child services person. She had to rent a new house to get them back.

There should be a way to do these things but not cause one stranger says so.
Video games and television have become makeshift babysitters. Whatever happened to quality time and learning something constructive?

Funny stuff.
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