Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

How are your eggs looking?you got them today I believe?
I got mine and candled them to check the air pockets. They all look "normal" and weren't moving any which way, or oddly shaped, no cracks or vulnerabilities from what I could see. I'm tempted to slide them under my broody tonight, since they've been settling on my counter since the morning. Trying to be a good girl and leave em there for 24 hours, but we shall see ;)

I haven’t got them yet... they should turn up tomorrow hopefully!
Hahah I usually give in and start them a bit earlier then what’s recommended!

my eggs are set! These babies will be going to my bff and father when they hatch. :highfive:
I have a question, my silkie is 6 months and has been sitting for half a day here and there on and off.
Yesterday she was in the box before sunset and hasnt moved out. My boss bird threw a fit and had to lay her egg somewhere else. Is my Silkie finally setting?

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