Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

Sex link color pattern from what I read up on were Chipmunk pattern ( strip on head and down back ) with black eyeliner for the females and the males had white dots on their heads and or were more muted in color.

Sounds right to me. I haven't hatched CLs (on my dream list) but I know CLs are similar coloring to my silver duckwing OEGBs. The OEGBs aren't technically sex linked like CLs are, but sexing at hatch can usually be done by those same markings. :)
Horrid for the brinsea!!! :barnie Out of 7 eggs, 5 had quit! FIVE! I had started them all in Uglybator and then moved them to the brinsea in the classroom on day 5. I literally walked 2 blocks with them snugly wrapped in an egg carton and towel, and set them in the brinsea. I calibrated both incubators with the same thermometer! :he No idea why they died but I've had the most rotten luck with that stupid brinsea mini! Luckily I had two spare eggs in the uglybator to switch out, but still! I turned up the temp from 99.6 to 100.2. Hopeing that helps or something! Its hard because its in the classroom so I cant fiddle with it.:th

In better news Uglybator has 30 eggs going strong. I go into lockdown tomorrow for them!:celebrate And the kindergartners LOVED watching me candle a couple eggs for them.

That's strange, my Brinsea mini gives me my best hatches. Could kids be missing with it at all? Also, many schools turn AC/Heat way down, particularly on weekend that could cause an issue.
So this is one of the reasons I love my brinsea, you can see in the pic that I have removed 3 turning trays so that I can hand turn my turkeys and the other trays still work for chicken eggs. If I get more turkey eggs in the spring I may splurge and order the extra large trays, but for now I like that I can do both!
notice that without my extera thermometers I could put more chicken eggs in, but I wasn't supposed to be hatching till later anyway. Lol
I just couldn't pass the chance to hatch turkeys! The turkey eggs are from broad breasted white hens covered by a bourbon red tom, so very suitable for a Halloween hatch. I started with 7 eggs 4 that were set aside when they were collected and 3 that came out of the refrigerator, the lady offered the refrigerated ones so I could eat them and check for fertility when I opened them....... of course I stuck them all in the bator, one of the refrigerator one is growing well and 3 out of 4 of the fresh ones, so far that gives me 4 viable eggs we will see how that works out in the long run.
Everyone has a preference. I started with a cheap Chinese bator that was difficult to keep regulated. I managed to hatch with it, but I reallllllly like the automatic humidity pump on my current brinsea.

Me too! I have 2 Octagon 20s. One Advance EX with the pump, one analog without. Can't beat the temp consistency. Glad you like the new Ovation. I haven't decided if I'll splurge on one of them yet or not.

And a dumb question.... I didn't think turkeys mated this late in the season. Are yours young, or why might I have been thinking that?

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