Here's a pic of my 1st chick. "She" already seems to be broody.
There are 2 other chicks chirping and she jumps over the other eggs in a hurry to get to the one that chirps. Then she pecks at it's pip hole or just tries to sit on it.


One of the pips didn't make it. I saw no activity for 12 hours. We took it out of the incubator to check it out. It never absorbed the yolk. I suspect several of the others have that problem too. I think we'll get at least 3 though.
!!!!!!!!!!!! go chickies go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'd tell you guys to keep up the good work, but ya'll aren't doing anything onther than sitting on your hands.. lol...

except Mayapooh... she's working... good luck with the chickie extraction...
Kathy - Yay too!!! Good luck with curly.

evonne - thank you. I'm gonna need that luck. whew...!

Yeah, I think I've got a long night ahead of me. I'm getting down to the most damaged ones now, and it's hard knowing I need to wait, but not too long, and when to intervene, or not.... ugh. At least I have some fluffies to look at and know what I'm striving for.

Put my lastest one from bator into brooder. It's fluffing out pale tan, and seems quite a bit smaller than my first three. Those three are from eggs from a fellow BYCer, and the rest are from Darlene Thompson, so I'm really anxious to get at least a couple from hers.

I'll be back in a bit - going to work on the zip a little, and then see if I can't get some pics - I owe it to all you guys who've helped and encouraged me so.
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I'm gonna need a Valium before long. LOL

I can't offer you that, but I can offer cheerleading. After all they (and you) have been through, the all need to hatch and be happy, healthy baby chicks.

My pip is doing well. He's widened his hole a bit and is peeping. The humidity is high in the bator for a change, so I'm not too worried about him.

What I really want to know, though, is how he planned to come out of the iris in the little ghost face I drew?​
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Kathy, 5 more!!!
That's awesome. Congratulations.

Mayapooh - You're doing great! hugs and chocolate.

neferset -

"how he planned to come out of the iris in the little ghost face I drew?"

I guess he wanted to wear his costume for Halloween.

I have a white silkie almost out. My hubby thinks we should help it. What do you guys think? It is half way zipped but going pretty slow. He's afraid because of what happened to the other one that we lost.

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