Happy/Sad/Confusing Day Today

My hat goes off to you. You are a wonderful person. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. David's life will be so rich for having such a wonderful foster parent like you.


Red Hen you are amazing,

The gift you have given to this boy will stay with him forever. With his parents too.

It is so good to read how you have assessed things and done this with a good heart, and wihout judgement.

Admire you hugely.

wow..thanks so much for all the kind responses...i appreciate it very much. I am also so glad he had this chance to see them again....his mothers health is pretty bad...she was out of breath just walking into my house..and came in and said.."ooh..i have to sit down now!"..like she was gonna pass out..i was like(to myself)....ooh..boy...this isnt gonna be pretty.
.... and after they left David expressed his concern for his mothers health..he said.."i already just found out my grandpas not alive anymore....i dont want her to die either.."....yesterday he also got to speak with his grandma!...shes in a nursing home...she sounds like a cute lady!...so he is very happy right now! and i can tell his heart is finally content.
...and also..since he has had phone contact with them(about a month now) he hasnt really had any behaviors....so...
...!...i think this is what this kid needs right now...
yes..i know this..once he turns 18 in May..he can leave at any time..and go back to his parents house...thats why we decided to check them out...see how they were living now...and give him some contact with them before he turns 18....just in case he does leave...so..he just dosent show up at their house...etc..(which would be very traumatic for them all....). ..right now..we all (his parents included) are suggesting to him to stay here until he finishes school...because the state will continue to help him as long as he still lives here AND is in school, even after he is 18....but..if he goes home...he looses any state benefits...and his I.Q. is only 2 points above being DMR..so..he will never hold a job..etc...
Redhen, you have changed that boy's life, you are his Christmas angel. May you be blessed in your heart too, which is enormous.
yes..i know this..once he turns 18 in May..he can leave at any time..and go back to his parents house...thats why we decided to check them out...see how they were living now...and give him some contact with them before he turns 18....just in case he does leave...so..he just dosent show up at their house...etc..(which would be very traumatic for them all....). ..right now..we all (his parents included) are suggesting to him to stay here until he finishes school...because the state will continue to help him as long as he still lives here AND is in school, even after he is 18....but..if he goes home...he looses any state benefits...and his I.Q. is only 2 points above being DMR..so..he will never hold a job..etc...

I was curious about that? With his IQ that low will he not always need/have to have a guardian? And if so will it not be mandated by the state even after he turns 18? My mother has twins she is raising (they are only 10 right now) one has an IQ of 60 and one is (I think) 76. We worry constantly about what MIGHT happen when they are "adults".
redhen, you rock. Thanks for sharing this with us, and many blessings on you and yours this holiday season. The love of folks like you makes the world go around, honey!
I don't know what to say either, wow. For once I am speechless.
You are an amazing person for taking in this young man. Even more so that you opened your home to his parents. God has many reason's for doing the things he does, and he has angles like you to take care of them....
God Bless you and Merry Christmas.

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