Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Thanks Debby! He has also turned into a kleptomaniac at the moment!


Hi Barbara! Have you seen the forecast for the weekend? Snow warning again! :hit Have you sorted new boots out yet? Need an Ark down here, it’s the wettest I’ve known it for a long time. Hope all is well with you?


Hi Leyla! I got the quail eggs set on Tuesday ;)

Hope you are ok at the moment :hugs
Hi Kim

No I haven't got boots sorted. :hmm I've been making do with some cheap floral ones I got from Lidl the year before last that kill my feet but are water tight. I can't bear to throw them out because they don't leak and have been hoping and praying that the weather was going to dry up..... no such luck! I also found an old pair of Hunters in the back of the shed today which are a better fit but think one might have a small pin prick thorn puncture in the sole..... I'm a terrible hoarder and can't to put anything in the bin..... If you saw the state of my house :oops:, you would be horrified with your OCD.

Yes, bracing myself for the incoming weather. We were supposed to be doing the Percy Fun Ride up at Alnwick on Sunday but they have postponed it until 1st April as the ground is too wet. It was a glorious day last year. Ground was firm and blue sky and sunshine and we took the horses into the river to cool off when we got back and had gorgeous barbequed food after we put the horses in the trailer. I'm having a hard time believing it was the same time of year but Ian assures me it was.

Wow! You are cooking quail eggs! Are they for yourself or someone else? How are your girls laying? Mine have eased back quite a bit after starting to pick up 6 weeks ago. They look well enough but just not paying the rent! :confused:
Hi Kim

No I haven't got boots sorted. :hmm I've been making do with some cheap floral ones I got from Lidl the year before last that kill my feet but are water tight. I can't bear to throw them out because they don't leak and have been hoping and praying that the weather was going to dry up..... no such luck! I also found an old pair of Hunters in the back of the shed today which are a better fit but think one might have a small pin prick thorn puncture in the sole..... I'm a terrible hoarder and can't to put anything in the bin..... If you saw the state of my house :oops:, you would be horrified with your OCD.

Yes, bracing myself for the incoming weather. We were supposed to be doing the Percy Fun Ride up at Alnwick on Sunday but they have postponed it until 1st April as the ground is too wet. It was a glorious day last year. Ground was firm and blue sky and sunshine and we took the horses into the river to cool off when we got back and had gorgeous barbequed food after we put the horses in the trailer. I'm having a hard time believing it was the same time of year but Ian assures me it was.

Wow! You are cooking quail eggs! Are they for yourself or someone else? How are your girls laying? Mine have eased back quite a bit after starting to pick up 6 weeks ago. They look well enough but just not paying the rent! :confused:

Floral! I bet they look different! Better than wet feet yes but I can totally understand the killing your feet bit :( I had to resort to going to the farm in my chicken ones the other day. The mud and puddles were that bad that it was coming over the laces on my other boots. Socks got eaten in them and I was crippled afterwards.
Nothing wrong with keeping everything as long as it has its place. I’m weird and like tidying up, when everything looks tidy at the end and the job is done it’s a weird kind of satisfaction.

I can remember you posting some pics from last years fun ride and yes it was a nice day! Right now it feels like we are in the full grip of winter! Horses usually start staying out until T time when the clocks change but that’s not going to happen this year. Can’t belive they change in a week but no way can I leave them out longer as there will be no grass for the summer and I don’t want to wreck it and them not be able to stay out 24/7.

Yeah I’m bad and got some quail to set for the Easter Hatch a Long :oops: I only went for 12 eggs but “accidentally” came home with 36 :lol: I’m going to see what hatches and will keep a few and sell some on. Just in the process of refurbishment of a coop and run combo I have. Scott is going to make an extra run for it too. Although we have this new shed place near us that’s just opened and they have a really good looking Wendy house in that would make a perfect quail house!

My girls are laying ok, especially Dolly, Twinkle & Jean. Since I brought them home in January they have not missed a day with their rent. At least two eggs per day from them. Mongey the polish cross is laying most days and about 3 other polish girls are being sporadic. Got enough to sell now so the feed jar is slowly filling up again.
That cold and snow did put the little polish off for a while and I’m not surprised!

Quail eggs are always so beautiful, good luck with your hatch Kim!

Thanks Debby!

Ooh, quail eggs are cooking!! Quail are SO much fun to hatch. They zip/pop out like popcorn. :p Keep us posted Kim!! :hugs

I certainly will Leyla :D Can’t wait for the first candle, it’s been so long since I hatched quail. I’m so glad I have foam inserts for the rails because the are so small especially the Harlequin. It’s weird looking at the incubator with these tiny little eggs in compared to my last hatch of giant goose eggs! :lol:
Yes, it's hard to imagine a bird coming out of a jelly bean sized egg. :lol: They are the size of bumble bees at hatch!

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