Hatch-Along - Anyone planning to hatch out around St. Patrick's Day?

It's Lockdown Day for me!

I turned up the humidity and placed napkins on the floor of the incubator. I candled them and found 5 duds and 1 that appears to have died around day ten. This is a great improvement as in last hatch (my first) I had around 5-6 die!

So that leaves me with 18 eggs in the 'bator (13 silkie and 5 barnyard mix). I am pretty excited as two of them are EE-polish mixes! I can't wait to see how they turn out!

Now for the wait...:barnie
First to hatch, Ameraucana:
Awesome! Keep us updated (that's an order, not a request :lau)!
Four more pips, an EE, another Ameraucana, a frizzle OE, and a side-pipped Sebrights/Mille Fleur mix. I thought yesterday's second pip, Ameraucana, was starting to zip. But now I think the chick pecked at it.
I want to pull the chick and clean it up, but will have to patiently wait until another hatches. It isn't loud, and it isn't playing soccer with the other eggs, fortunately.

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