Hatch-Along - Anyone planning to hatch out around St. Patrick's Day?

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I put eggs in the incubator, finally. There are 28 eggs in my 24 egg incubator, plus the extra (one that I trust) thermometer/hygrometer. It has spiked atm because I opened the lid to be sure of my egg count. Yeah, I didn't know. :gig I already tossed two silkie ones for leaking/weeping (no cracks:idunno).

So, I have 13 silkies & 13 light brahmas plus 2 barnyard mix ones of my own, to replace the weepy silkies. At D4, most but not all had bitty spots, maybe 3/4ths of those also had veins, some were clear--will likely be tossing them next time. The two barnyard mix ones are at D2, maybe 3 days behind the rest. I forgot to write down when I added them. :oops:
Here's all the chicks together. I think we have about 4 barnyard mixes and 11 silkies. They seem so tiny and fragile!

Here's my little giant. She (we'll call her "she" for good luck) is larger than the other barnyard mixes, and way larger than the silkies. You can't really tell how big she is from the pictures. She's in the back.

More good news: I have a broody! She is a new broody, but I'm gonna try it. She has 3 silkie eggs under here but I'm expecting a fourth soon. Is there a peak too hatching fever or will it keep going up and up?
Here's all the chicks together. I think we have about 4 barnyard mixes and 11 silkies. They seem so tiny and fragile!
Here's my little giant. She (we'll call her "she" for good luck) is larger than the other barnyard mixes, and way larger than the silkies. You can't really tell how big she is from the pictures. She's in the back.
Huge! You gotta gram scale to weigh her on? :pop
More good news: I have a broody! She is a new broody, but I'm gonna try it. She has 3 silkie eggs under here but I'm expecting a fourth soon. Is there a peak too hatching fever or will it keep going up and up?

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