Hatch-Along - Eggs set in November, due December, anyone?

Here are some pics of our hatch.
4 OEs
1splash Marans
1 Black Copper Marans
2 Welsummers
2 Barred Rocks
2 White Leghorns



Someone tell me my eggs are okay at 101.3 degrees in a still air.
I thought that still air incubators were supposed to be at 101 degrees at the top of the egg throughout incubation??

Day 20 is not passing! New Year Celebration 2012 seems like it was 4-5 months back only... time flies.... but not when you are incubating... NO SIR!!!
Aww! Those be cute baby chicks!

Okay, I have a question- I set my eggs into the incubator to start incubating at around 3 in the afternoon a couple weeks back, and now tomorrow is lockdown for me, and I was wondering- Should I start to raise the humidity in the incubator in the morning tomorrow so it is up all the way to where it's s'posed to be by three, or should I wait 'till I get home at four O'clock to start to raise it? I am not sure what the temperatures are in each part of the incubator (my bad) and I was pretty much placing eggs everywhere hoping they would be in the perfect spots to live, but I am figuring that near the middle (where the eggs are) it is about 105 degrees F. My incubator is still air, and since the temperatures in my incubator are a bit high, should I expect to hatch them a day early, thus moving "lockdown day" a day early?.

Sorry for all that info but my two main questions are:

When should I start to raise the humidity, and

How do I raise the humidity?

Also, what do you's think of my situation? Am I all set for lockdown, or are there problems to my (pretty much non- existent) plan? I just would like some suggestions. :3
I feel so noob- ish. XD
I can't wait for mine to hatch out of the 3 dozen I got from the BBS Orpington and the 2 dozen from mine I only had 13 eggs that weren't fertile, or didn't start. The rest are going strong. I am so excited they are due to hatch Christmas day. I am not sure I think I put new Years last couple of post if I did I am sorry it was suppose to be christmas I just checked the calendar. i still can't wait.
I know, right? I will be glued to the incubator window when mine start to hatch. Four more days to go!

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